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Library Functions

int scheme_eq(Scheme_Object *obj1, Scheme_Object *obj2) 

Returns 1 if the Scheme values are eq?.

int scheme_eqv(Scheme_Object *obj1, Scheme_Object *obj2) 

Returns 1 if the Scheme values are eqv?.

int scheme_equal(Scheme_Object *obj1, Scheme_Object *obj2) 

Returns 1 if the Scheme values are equal?.

Scheme_Object *scheme_build_list(int c, Scheme_Object **elems) 

Creates and returns a list of length c with the elements elems.

int scheme_list_length(Scheme_Object *list) 

Returns the length of the list. If list is not a proper list, then the last cdr counts as an item. If there is a cycle in list (involvng only cdrs), this procedure will not terminate.

int scheme_proper_list_length(Scheme_Object *list) 

Returns the length of the list, or -1 if it is not a proper list. If there is a cycle in list (involvng only cdrs), this procedure returns -1.

Scheme_Object *scheme_car(Scheme_Object *pair) 

Returns the car of the pair.

Scheme_Object *scheme_cdr(Scheme_Object *pair) 

Returns the cdr of the pair.

Scheme_Object *scheme_cadr(Scheme_Object *pair) 

Returns the cadr of the pair.

Scheme_Object *scheme_caddr(Scheme_Object *pair) 

Returns the caddr of the pair.

Scheme_Object *scheme_vector_to_list(Scheme_Object *vec) 

Creates a list with the same elements as the given vector.

Scheme_Object *scheme_list_to_vector(Scheme_Object *list) 

Creates a vector with the same elements as the given list.

Scheme_Object *scheme_append(Scheme_Object *lstx, Scheme_Object *lsty) 

Non-destructively appends the given lists.

Scheme_Object *scheme_unbox(Scheme_Object *obj) 

Returns the contents of the given box.

void scheme_set_box(Scheme_Object *b, Scheme_Object *v) 

Sets the contents of the given box.

Scheme_Object *scheme_load(char *file) 

Loads the specified Scheme file, returning the value of the last expression loaded, or NULL if the load fails.

Scheme_Object *scheme_load_extension(char *filename) 

Loads the specified Scheme extension file, returning the value provided by the extension's initialization function.

long scheme_double_to_int(char *where, double d) 

Returns a fixnum value for the given floating-point number d. If d is not an integer or if it is too large, then an error message is reported; name is used for error-reporting.

void scheme_secure_exceptions(Scheme_Env *env) 

Secures the primitive exception types, just like secure-primitive-expcetion-types.

long scheme_get_millseconds() 

Returns the current ``time'' in millseconds, just like current-millseconds.

long scheme_get_process_millseconds() 

Returns the current process ``time'' in millseconds, just like current-process-millseconds.

char *scheme_banner() 

Returns the string that is used as the MzScheme startup banner.

char *scheme_version() 

Returns a string for the executing version of MzScheme.

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