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Memory Allocation

MzScheme uses both malloc and allocation functions provided the conservative garbage collector. Embedding/extension C/C++ code may use either allocation method, keeping in mind that pointers to garbage-collectable blocks in malloced memory are invisible (i.e., such pointers will not prevent the block from being garbage-collected).

The garbage collector normally only recognizes pointers to the beginning of allocated objects. Thus, a pointer into the middle of a GC-allocated string will normally not keep the string from being collected. The exception to this rule is that pointers saved on the stack or in registers may point to the middle of a collectable object. Thus, it is safe to loop over an array by incrementing a local pointer variable.

The collector allocation functions are:

If a MzScheme extension stores Scheme pointers in a global variable, then that variable must be registered with scheme_register_extension_global; this makes the pointer visible to the garbage collector. No registration is needed for the global variables of an embedding program.

Collectable memory can be temporarily locked from collection by using the reference-counting function scheme_dont_gc_ptr.

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