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Next: Moving Around Up: Keyboard Shortcuts Previous: Keyboard Shortcuts

Basic Concepts

Most of the key strokes that you type (``a'', ``3'', ``('', etc.) simply insert that character into your file. But others do things like move the cursor around, delete a line, insert a file, etc. These commands generally involve the Control or Meta keys.

C- tex2html_wrap_inline6030 key tex2html_wrap_inline6032 = This means press the Control key, hold it down and then press tex2html_wrap_inline6030 key tex2html_wrap_inline6032 and then release them both. For example: C-e (Control-E) moves the cursor to the end of the current line.

M- tex2html_wrap_inline6030 key tex2html_wrap_inline6032 = Same as C- tex2html_wrap_inline6030 key tex2html_wrap_inline6032 , except with the Meta key. Depending on your keyboard, Meta may be called ``Left'', ``Right'' or have a diamond symbol, but it's usually on the bottom row next to the space bar. M- tex2html_wrap_inline6030 key tex2html_wrap_inline6032 can also be performed as a two-character sequence: first, strike and release the Escape key, then strike tex2html_wrap_inline6030 key tex2html_wrap_inline6032 . Under Windows and MacOS, meta is only available through the Escape key.

DEL = The Delete key.

SPACE = The Space bar.

Note: On most keyboards, ``<'' and ``>'' are shifted characters. So, to get M->, you actually have to type Meta-Shift->. That is, press and hold down both the Meta and Shift keys, and then strike ``>''.

Note: Many of the key bindings can also be done with menu items.

Under Windows, some of these keybindings are actually standard menu items. Those keybindings will behave according to the menus, unless the Enable Keybindings In Menus preference is unchecked.