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When I run DrScheme, it is very slow and the disk is constantly running. Why?

You do not have enough memory to run DrScheme. If DrScheme works well for a while, and then starts paging (using the disk a lot), then your memory configuration is borderline for DrScheme. If DrScheme usually works well and has only suddenly started this bad behavior, then perhaps you have written a program that consumes an infinite amount of memory.

My Macintosh has 32 MB of memory, but I am having trouble with DrScheme. What can I do?

Make sure you quit all other applications before starting DrScheme. Also, turn off any non-essential extensions. If you look at the ``About this Macintosh'' menu in the Finder's apple menu, you should see that the system needs less than 10 MB.

I have successfully downloaded the installer program for Windows, but the installation fails. Why?

If the installer reports a message such as ``corrupt installation detected'', the real problem may be that the installer is unable to write the DrScheme files to your hard drive, or the installer may be unable to modify the Start menu. In this case, check to make sure there is disk space available, or contact your system maintainer to make sure that you have the appropriate access priviledges.

When I run DrScheme under MacOS, it sometimes freezes the whole machine. Why? Are there any potential software conflicts?

You probably do not have enough memory to run DrScheme. There are no known conflicts between DrScheme and other software.

Why does DrScheme print so small/large on my Windows printer?

For some reason, Windows printer drivers produce text in a wide variety of sizes, from slightly too small to slightly too large. If DrScheme prints text too small or large, try adjusting the print scale by clicking on the ``Properties'' button in your print dialog. Hopefully there will be such a button and a way to change the scale (some drivers do not provide this ability); otherwise, globally change the size of text in DrScheme (via the preferences dialog), restart DrScheme, and try printing again.

I think I found a bug. What should I do?

First, read this section to make sure your problem does not have a standard answer. If not, submit a bug report via


If you do not have access to a web browser, as a last resort send mail to


How do I send PLT a question?

If you have a question that is not answered in the documentation or this list of ``Frequently Asked Questions'', send mail to


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