Write and test these functions using the Dr. Scheme development environment:
example usage:
> (abs-val -2.1221) 2.1221
example usage:
> (square-list-alt '(1 5.2 7 -3 0)) (1 27.04 49 9 0)
Ordering should be preserved, i.e. the numbers in the returned list should be in the same order as in the original list.
example usage:
> (filter-ge '(1 5 7 -3 8 3 -4 4) 4) (5 7 8 4)Hint: See Exercise 10.5 in the Sethi text.
example usage:
> (define (non-negative x) (>= x 0)) > (filter non-negative '(-2 3 -1 1 4)) (3 1 4)Hint: Note that this function is just a generalization of the function in the previous exercise.