The Zen of Perl
University of Washington, Seattle
(C) 1999, Greg J. Badros—All Rights Reserved
- is an imperative language
- supports many programming styles(including object-oriented)
- is portable across platforms
“A language for getting your job done!”—Larry WallDesigner and primary implementor of Perl
Design philosophy
- No a priori design, no committees!
- A mix-and-match accumulation of useful features desired by real programmers over many years
- Originally for text processing, generating reports
- Has features from C, Java, Unix shells, awk, and sed
What is it used for?
- Text processing, generating reports
- GUI front-ends to command-line commands
- Systems integration programming
Perl is incredibly useful
- Of about 480 of mygeneral-purpose scripts
- ~ 220 are sh shell scripts(many of these use Perl inside!)
- ~ 130 are zsh shell scripts
- ~ 110 are Perl scripts
Perl language features
- Lexical and dynamic scoping
- Built-in arrays, lists, hash-tables,“regular expressions”
- Automatic memory reclamation(via reference counting)
Sample task
Print a report of the users of a given computer system using /etc/passwd
- Output: Human readable report
- Think about how you would do this in C++ or Java...
Running Perl code
- Can use shebang (sharp-bang) lines when running under Unix varieties:#!/usr/bin/perlmeans to use the binary “/usr/bin/perl” to interpret the remaining lines of the file
- Can also run Perl directly:perl passwd-report
Ultra-fast byte-compilation
- Perl seems to be interpreted—very fast turnaround time
- Actually, it byte-compiles the source code very quickly, saves the byte-codes in memory, and then has a virtual machine that runs those byte codes
- Fast compilation + surprisingly fast execution = easy and quick development
Perl philosophies
- There’s more than one way to do it(TMTOWTDI)
- The long term lazy wayDo it right, since you’ll end up using it over and over again
- 3 great virtues of a programmer:Laziness, impatience, and hubris
Conditionals in Perl
if ($nLines < 0) { $nLines = 0;}
$nLines = 0 if $nLines < 0;
Focus on the conditional?
Larry Wall is a linguist
If you make a cup of tea,
I’ll drink a cup of tea if you make it.
- $scalar number, string, reference
- %hash maps keys to values
- &subroutine usually omit the &
- < == > for comparing numbers
- lt eq gt for comparing strings
Strings and numbersare one and the same
- Instead of giving a type error,Perl is defined to give a reasonable meaning to virtually any expression!
- Downside: sometimes the meaning may surprise or confuse you!
Variable interpolationand string literals
my $a = 2;my $b = "World";print STDOUT "Hello $b\n1+1=$a\n";print STDOUT ’Hello $b\n1+1=$a\n’;
Variables substitutedfor values inside double quotes
Single quotes result in a stringwith the exact contents
Arrays and lists
my @colors = ("red","green","blue");
join(",",@colors) ? "red,GREEN,blue"
we are talkingabout the array
Hash tables
%longday = ( "Sun" => "Sunday", "Mon" => "Monday", "Tue" => "Tuesday",
"Sat" => "Saturday",);$longday{"Mon"} ? "Monday"
for my $d (values %longday) {
print join("\n",(values %longday)), "\n";
Reading from files
# Print all lines from standard input
# that contain the substring "greg"
Lots of magic here—reads from standard input,and assigns to $_
More magic —as if we wrote:print $_ if ($_ =~ m/greg/)
Regular expressions
- Very powerful “wildcard-like” tool
- Simple cases, just matching substrings
"Hi Greg, how are you" =~ m/greg/ ? undef
"Hi Greg, how are you" =~ m/Greg/ ? 1
"Hi Greg, how are you" =~ m/greg/i ? 1
Regular expressionmeta-characters
"Hi Greg, how are you" =~ m/G./ ? 1
"Hi Greg, how are you" =~ m/G.e/ ? 1
"Hi Greg, how are you" =~ m/G.*e/ ? 1
* Means zero or moreoccurrences
. Matches any character(except newline)
Greedily chose longest matchinstead of: Gre
Literal meta-charactersin regular expressions
"Hi Greg, how are you" =~ m/G\./ ? undef
"Hi Greg, how are you" =~ m/G.\*e/ ? undef
Usefulness of regularexpressions
- Wrote 11,000 line static analysis tool for better understanding how C programmers used the C pre-processor in real programs
- Used regular expressions pervasively
- For example, to look for #if, #ifdef, or #endif preprocessor directives:m/^\s*#\s*(if(def)?|endif)\s.*$/