We encourage every one of the teams to put their applet on the web and e-mail your URL to yasuhara@cs to be linked on this page. Congratulations, everyone, on a job well done!
Space Invaders - Ben Chao, David Ko, Peter Sumanaseni
Microsoft vs. Red Hat - Mark Christiansen, Minh Luu, Adam Prewett
Greg Invaders - Emily Chung, Darrick Lew
The Rift 2D -
Jason Dougherty, Michael Dougherty, David Hall
Press 1 or 2 to start. Player 1 controls: A S D W. Player
2 controls: 4 5 6 8. PgUp and PgDn speed up, slow down play.
Star Wars - Frans Faizal, Jimmy Muliawan, Man-hing Wong
3D Asteroids - Michael Fernandez, Jeffrey Maurer, Chelsie Pentz
Space Invaders - Justin Goold, Gary Holman, Hau Quach
Space Invaders (Internet Explorer recommended) - Bao-Hoa Ho, Hwek-Young Kim, Ngochan Nguyen
voidspace - Eugene Hsu, Brett Kotschwar, Peter Phan
Stah Warz - Bret Sherman, Eric Smith, David Shteynberg