You are to implement all required programs and classes in Java and run them in the Java Runtime Environment. You are to turn in a hardcopy of your source code as well as output of your code on a demonstrative set of test cases.
The topics covered in this assignment include: writing Java code, compiling Java, running Java, using the java class library, and handling exceptions.
Try these out before section.
This will be discussed during section.
Write a class HTMLWordParser that has a constructor that takes an InputStream as its only argument. It should have at least the method nextWord() that returns the next word in the file, null if there are none. It should attempt to discard HTML tags of the form <text in here>. For example:
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>My Web Page</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> Try this <A HREF=link.html>link</A> </BODY> </HTML>This HTML page has words: My, Web, Page, Try, this, and link.
Write a simple Java program to test this class.
Write a program WebSearch that takes a list of URLs from the command line and allows the user to search these URLs for some given text. Until the user types quit, the program should prompt the user to enter a word to search for and then it should output, on separate lines, the URLs of all the web pages that contain the word. If the user types multiple words, it should print the URLs of only the pages that contain all of the words.
This program should be robust in that it makes its best effort to do the correct thing despite many possible sources for errors. For example, some URLs might not exist and some URLs might contain have malformed HTML. It is acceptable to give the user warnings when errors occur, but it should not crash or quit prematurely.
Your program should work as follows:
fiji% java WebSearch WebSearch> the WebSearch> rainier WebSearch> the rainier
Part IV: (Assignment 5 Preparation)
Assignment 5 will be to write a cool java applet or stand-alone application, of your choosing. You may do your projects individually or in groups of two. Proportionately more work will be expected from groups than individuals. A typical project should take advantage of at least one of several special facilities provided by Java: the AWT, threads, networking, RMI, etc. This is not an explicit requirement though. A project that does not use one of these special features should be exceptional for other reasons. You should use good, object-oriented style in your program. This will be considered when your project is evaluated. The code should be primarily your own. If you base your code on existing code (there are tons of applets out there), make sure you document this in your project report.
Here are a few suggestions for projects - you can also do something quite different of your own choosing.