CLP(R) is available on various platforms in CSE.
To run CLP(R) on the instructional linux machines (e.g. ceylon), the executable file is /cse/courses/misc_lang/linux/clpr/bin/clpr
To access this easily, add the following line to your .cshrc file:
set path = ($path /cse/courses/misc_lang/linux/clpr/bin)Or modify your set path=... entry appropriately if you already have one. Then you can invoke the system by just typing
To run CLP(R) on orcas or sanjuan (alphas), the executable file is /cse/courses/misc_lang/axp/clpr/bin/clpr
The system is interactive. The system prompt is
You can type a query to it, for example X=[1,2,3], Y=100. Here's a transcript of this:
CLP(R) Version 1.2 (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1989 (1991, 1992) All Rights Reserved 1 ?- X=[42,Y], Y=1. X = [42, 1] Y = 1 *** Yes
CLP(R) has separate query and definition modes. To define some rules, put them in a file, say "mystuff". Then load them into CLP(R) using the goal consult("mystuff").
You can set up a second window to edit the file mystuff. To reload all the definitions after you've edited, use the goal reconsult("mystuff").
Or (naturally) you can run the whole thing under emacs. Start up emacs, then type <esc>x shell, then type clpr.