Getting Started With Visual Studio

1) From the start menu select
     Programs->Visual Studio->Microsoft Visual J++ 1.1->Microsoft 
Developer Studio

    Note: This is Microsoft Visual J++ 1.1 that conforms to Java 1.0,
not Java 1.1.

2) Create a new "Work Space" by selecting "File->New" from the
     main menu. This will open a new dialog box. Select
     "Java Project" and enter a name in the "Project Name" field,
     for this demo I chose "HelloWorld". You also need to choose
     a place to save the new "Work Space". Click on the elipses
     next to "Location" to open a dialog box for this.
     (The Z drive under your user name in the sieg 232 lab)

3) The next step is to insert a class into the project. From the
     main menu select "Insert->New Class" This will bring up
     another dialog box like the one below. Enter the name of the
     class and click "OK".

4) You can finally start entering your program. I chose the
     infamous "hello world" program. This will be the only method
     in the 'HelloWorld' class. Note: The main method of all
     Java stand alone applications must have a prototype the same
     as the one below. The single argument to main is usually
     named 'args' or 'argv' by convention.

     public static void main(String[] args){
	System.out.println("Hello World!");

5) You can compile and run the application all at once by
    selecting "Execute HelloWorld" from the "Build" menu on the
    main menu. The first time you execute the program a dialog
    box will come up asking where the Main function is located.
    In this case it is HelloWorld. Also be sure to check the
    "run as a stand alone application" radio button. This program
    will not print out anything if you run it as an applet. Why?
That's all there is to it.
You can use the same steps to build an applet making changes as
appropriate. Developer studio will automatically generate a
default HTML document to run any applets you build. You can
specify an HTML document yourself by selecting
"Project->settings" From the main menu, it is on the debug tab.