Simple examples of recursion:
(define (factorial n) (if (= 0 n) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))) ;; (double-each '(1 3 4)) => (2 6 8) (define (double-each s) (if (null? s) () (cons (* 2 (car s)) (double-each (cdr s)))))
(trace factorial)
For lists, the base case is usually the empty list, and a smaller version of the problem is usually the rest or "cdr" of the list. Here is a template for most recursive functions you'll write:
(define (fn args) (if base-case base-value (compute-result (fn (smaller args)))))
;; general form (define (func x) (if end-test end-value (augmenting-function augmenting-value (func reduced-x))))Factorial is the classic example:
(define (factorial n) (if (= n 0) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))Many Scheme functions operate on lists, so we often see an important special case of augmenting recursion where our augmenting function is cons and our base case is the empty list. These are sometimes called mapping functions, because they map a function onto every element of a list. Notice that because we are using cons, we are actually constructing a brand new list and returning it. In other words, we are not changing the original list.
(define (double-each s) (if (null? s) () (cons (* 2 (car s)) (double-each (cdr s)))))With cons augmenting recursion, our base value (the value returned when we reach the base case) isn't always ():
;; still cons as augmenting-function, but end-value is not () (define (my-append x y) (if (null? x) y (cons (car x) (my-append (cdr x) y))))A final important kind of augmenting recursion over lists is the class of reducing functions, because they reduce a list of elements to a single element.
;; sum the elements of a list (define (sumlist x) (if (null? x) 0 (+ (car x) (sumlist (cdr x)))))
;; general form: (define (func x) (cond (end-test-1 end-value-1) (end-test-2 end-value-2) (else (func reduced-x)))) ;; example: are all elements of a list positive? (define (all-positive x) (cond ((null? x) #t) ((<= (car x) 0) #f) (else (all-positive (cdr x))))) ;; (all-positive '(3 5 6)) => #t ;; (all-positive '(3 5 -6)) => #fSome tail recursive functions will have more than one argument. All but one of the arguments are passed along unaltered.
;; example: member: (define (my-member e x) (cond ((null? x) #f) ((equal? e (car x)) #t) (else (my-member e (cdr x)))))A less commonly seen form is single-test tail recursion.
;; general form: (define (func x) (if end-test-1 end-value-1 (func reduced-x))) ;; example, find the last element of a list: (define (last-element x) (if (null? x) x (last-element (cdr x))))Scheme compilers handle tail recursion very efficiently, as efficiently as a program that just uses loops instead of recursion. (In particular, tail recursive functions don't use stack space for every recursive call.)
;; test whether two lists have the same length (define (same-length x y) (cond ((and (null? x) (null? y)) #t) ((null? x) #f) ((null? y) #f) (else (same-length (cdr x) (cdr y))))) ;; do these two objects have the same shape? (define (same-shape x y) (cond ((and (pair? x) (pair? y)) (and (same-shape (car x) (car y)) (same-shape (cdr x) (cdr y)))) ((or (pair? x) (pair? y)) #f) (else #t)))
(define (func x) (cond (end-test end-value) (aug-test (augmenting-function augmenting-value (func reduced-x))) (else (func reduced-x)))) ;; example: remove all non-positive numbers from a list (define (positive-numbers x) (cond ((null? x) ()) ((> (car x) 0) (cons (car x) (positive-numbers (cdr x)))) (else (positive-numbers (cdr x)))))
;; variation on list-consing recursion (define (insert x s) (cond ((null? s) (list x)) ((< x (car s)) (cons x s)) (else (cons (car s) (insert x (cdr s)))))) ;; augmenting recursion (define (isort s) (if (null? s) () (insert (car s) (isort (cdr s)))))
;; here is a general function that adds N to every element of a list (define (addN-to-list alist n) (cond ((null? alist) ()) (else (cons (+ n (car alist)) (addN-to-list (cdr alist) n))))) ;; here is a function that takes the cdr of every element of a list (define (getcdrs alist) (cond ((null? alist) ()) (else (cons (cdr (car alist)) (getcdrs (cdr alist))))))If we think about what these functions are doing at an abstract level, we see that they are applying some function to every element of a list, and returning the list of resulting values. Scheme provides us with a built in function to support this idiom.
Map is a built in Scheme function that takes a function and a list as an argument, and returns the list that results by applying that function to every element of the list.
(map function list) ;; general form (map null? '(3 () () 5)) => (() T T ()) (map round '(3 3.3 4.6 5)) => (3 3 5 5) (map cdr '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))) => ((2) (4) (6))
(define (double x) (* 2 x)) (map double '(3 4 5)) => (6 8 10)Scheme provides us with the special form LAMBDA to define an anonymous function. LAMBDA really is special, because it actually creates a lexical closure, which is a bundling of code and a lexical environment. We'll see why this is important later.
(map (lambda (x) (* 2 x)) '(3 4 5)) ;; the right way to define addN-to-list (define (addN-to-list alist n) (map (lambda (x) (+ n x)) alist))Please note that in the addN-to-list function, the body of the lambda function can refer to the variable n, which is in the lexical scope of the lambda expression. (These lambda closures are like blocks in Smalltalk.)
map can also be used with functions that take more than one argument. Examples:
(map + '(1 2 3) '(10 11 12)) => (11 13 15) (map (lambda (x y) (list x y)) '(a b c) '(j k l)) => ((a j) (b k) (c l))
(define (my-map func alist) (if (null? alist) () (cons (func (car alist)) (my-map func (cdr alist)))))
(define (addN-to-list alist n) (my-map (lambda (x) (+ n x)) alist))When the lambda expression is used in my-map, it needs to know where to look up the variable name n. It can get the right value for n, because it retains its lexical environment.
(define x 100) (define y 200) (define (strange y) (+ y 300)) (define (weird x) (let ((strange (lambda (y) (+ y 10)))) (strange x))) (strange 42) => ??? (weird 42) => ???