CSE 341 -- Scheme Basics
Characteristics of Scheme
- A Lisp dialect
- no type declarations, but type safe (no runtime errors resulting from
doing pointer arithmetic and doing weird things with
random bits of memory, for example)
- expression-oriented syntax: lots of parentheses ("a Lisp of parentheses")
- lists are workhorse data structure
- Program/data equivalence (this makes it
easy to write Scheme programs that process other
programs, e.g. compilers, structure editors, debuggers, etc.)
- Functional programming style. Heavy use of recursion; compilers must
do tail recursion optimization
- heap-based storage allocation, garbage collection
- Interpreter based environment -- but good compilers exist too
- highly regular and expressive!
- used in teaching introductory programming at MIT and elsewhere
Common Lisp is the commercial standard for Lisp (but Scheme is cleaner!)
Lisp application areas:
- AI (expert systems, planning, etc)
- Simulation, Modeling
- Applications programming (CAD, Mathematica)
- Rapid prototyping
Lisp was developed in the late 50s by John McCarthy. The Scheme dialect was
developed by Guy Steele and Gerry Sussman in the mid 70s. In the 80s, the
Common Lisp standard was devised. Common Lisp is a kitchen sink language:
many many features.
Using Scheme in CSE
Available on orcas and sanjuan (instructional DEC alphas).
To run, execute the following:
or to avoid typing all that, add the following line into the file .cshrc in
your home directory:
set path = ( $path /cse/courses/misc_lang/axp/mit-scheme-7.3/bin/)
so that scheme is on your search path.
Scheme uses a "read-eval-print loop" at the top level: read in an
expression, evaluate it, then print the result. control-d exits.
If you get an error, you'll end up in the debugger. For now just type
(restart 1)
To read in the contents of a file named myprog.s, say
(load "myprog.s")
See the MIT
Scheme User Manual for more about the
Primitive Scheme data types and operations
Some primitive (atomic) data types:
- numbers
- integers (examples: 1, 4, -3, 0)
- reals (examples: 0.0, 3.5, 1.23E+10)
- rationals (eg. 2/3, 5/2)
- symbols (eg. fred, x, a12, set!)
- boolean: Scheme uses the special symbols #f and #t to represent false and
true. #f is also equivalent to the empty list!
- strings (eg. "hello sailor")
- characters (eg #\c)
Case is generally not significant (except in characters or strings). Note
that you can have funny characters such as + or - or ! in the middle of
symbols. (You can't have parentheses, though.) Here are some of the basic
operators that scheme provides for the above datatypes.
- Arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /,
abs, sqrt)
- Relational (=, <, >,
<=, >=) (for numbers)
- Relational (eqv?, equal?) for arbitrary data
- Logical (and, or, not): and and
or are short circuit logical operators.
Some operators are predicates, that is, they are truth
tests. In Scheme, they return #f or #t (remember that the empty list is
the same as #f).
- number? integer? pair? symbol? boolean? string?
- eqv? equal?
- = < >
<= >=
Applying functions, procedures, operators
Ok, so we know the names of a bunch of operators, how do we
use them. Scheme provides us with a uniform syntax for invoking functions:
(function arg1 arg2 ... argN)
(+ 2 3)
(abs -4)
(+ (* 2 3) 8)
(+ 3 4 5 1)
;; note that + and * can take an arbitrary number of arguments
;; actually so can - and / but you'll get a headache trying to remember
;; what it means
;; semicolon means the rest of the line is a comment
The List Data Type
Perhaps the single most important built in data type in Scheme is
the list. In Scheme, lists are unbounded, possibly heterogeneous
collections of data. Examples:
(bill hillary)
(2 3 5 7 11)
(2 3 x y "zoo" 2.9)
Box-and-arrow representation of lists:
_______________ ________________
| | | | | |
| o | ----|----->| o | o |
|___|___|_______| |____|___|___|___|
| | |
| | |
bill hillary ()
_______________ _____________
| | | | | / |
| o | ----|----->| o | / |
|___|___|_______| |____|___|/___|
| |
| |
bill hillary
- (x) is not the same as x
- () is the empty list
- Lists of lists: ((a b) (c d)) or ((fred) ((x)))
- Scheme lists can contain items of different types:
(1 1.5 x (a) ((7)))
Here are some important functions that operate on lists:
- length -- length of a list
- equal? -- test if two lists are equal (recursively)
- car -- first element of a list
- cdr -- rest of a list
- cons -- make a new list cell
- list -- make a list
Predicates for lists:
- null? -- is the list empty?
- pair? -- is this thing a nonempty list?
Evaluating Expressions
Users typically interact with Scheme though a read-eval-print loop. Scheme
waits for the user to type an expression, reads it, evaluates it, and
prints the return value. Scheme expressions (often called S-Expressions,
for Symbolic Expressions) are either lists or atoms. Lists are composed of
other S-Expressions (note the recursive definition). Lists are often used
to represent function calls, where the list consists of a function name
followed by its arguments. However, lists can also used to represent
arbitrary collections of data.
In these notes, we'll generally write:
<S-expression> => <return-value>
when we want to show an S-expression and the evaluation of that
S-expression. For instance:
(+ 2 3) => 5
(cons 1 () ) => (1)
Evaluation rules:
- Numbers, strings, #f, and #t are literals, that is, they
evaluate to themselves.
- Symbols are treated as variables, and to evaluate them,
their bindings are looked up in the current environment.
- For lists, the first element specifies the function. The remaining
elements of the list specify the arguments. Evaluate the first element
in the current environment to
find the function, and
evaluate each of the
arguments in the current environment, and call the function on these values.
For instance:
(+ 2 3) => 5
(+ (* 3 3) 10) => 19
(equal? 10 (+ 4 6)) => #t
Using Symbols (Atoms) and Lists as Data
If we try evaluating
(list bill clinton) we'll get an error. Why? Because
Scheme will treat the atom bill as a variable name and try to look
for its binding, which it won't find. We therefore need to "quote"
the names bill and clinton, which means that we
want scheme to treat them literally. Scheme provides syntax for doing this.
The evaluation for quoted objects is that a quoted object evalutes to itself.
'x => x
(list bill clinton) => error! bill is unbound symbol
(list 'bill 'clinton) => (bill clinton)
(bill clinton) => error! bill is unknown function
'(bill clinton) => (bill clinton)
(equal? (x) (x)) => error! x is unknown function
(equal? '(x) '(x)) => #t
(cons 'x '(y z)) => (x y z)
(cons 'x () ) => (x)
(car '(1 2 3)) => 1
(cdr (cons 1 '(2 3))) => (2 3)
Note that there are 3 ways to make a list:
- '(x y z) => (x y z)
- (cons 'x (cons 'y (cons 'z () ))) => (x y z)
- (list 'x 'y 'z) => (x y z)
Internally, quoted symbols and lists are represented using the special
function quote. When the reader reads '(a b) it
translates this into (quote (a b)), which is then passed onto the
evaluator. When the evaluator sees an expression of the form (quote
s-expr) it just returns s-expr. quote is sometimes
called a "special form" because unlike most other Scheme operations, it
doesn't evaluate its argument. The quote mark is an example of what is
called "syntactic sugar."
'x => x
(quote x) => x
(Alan Perlis: "syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon".)
Scheme has both local and global variables. In Scheme, a variable is a
name which is bound to some data object (using a pointer). There are no
type declarations for variables. The rule for evaluating symbols: a symbol
evaluates to the value of the variable it names. We can bind variables
using the special form define:
This declares a variable called clam (if one doesn't exist)
and makes it refer to 17:
(define clam 17)
clam => 17
(define clam 23) ; this rebinds clam to 23
(+ clam 1) => 24
(define bert '(a b c))
(define ernie bert)
Scheme uses pointers: bert and ernie now both point at the same list.
In 341 we'll only use define to bind global variables, and we
won't rebind them once they are bound, except when debugging.
We can also use define to bind variables that are the names of
(define (double x) ; x is local to the function double
(* 2 x))
This is actually a shorthand for:
(define double
(lambda (x) (* 2 x)))
where lambda is a way of defining an anonymous function.
let and let*: creating temporary, local variables
We use the special form let to declare and bind local, temporary
variables. Example:
;; general form of let
(let ((name1 value1)
(name2 value2)
(nameN valueN))
;; reverse a list and double it
;; less efficient version:
(define (r2 x)
(append (reverse x) (reverse x)))
;; more efficient version:
(define (r2 x)
(let ((r (reverse x)))
(append r r))
The one problem with Let is that while the bindings are being created,
expressions cannot refer to bindings that have been made previously.
For example, this doesn't work, since x isn't known outside the body:
(let ((x 3)
(y (+ x 1)))
(+ x y))
To get around this problem, Scheme provides us with let*:
(let* ((x 3)
(y (+ x 1)))
(+ x y))
define can be used to
rebind a variable to a new value (but we won't do it,
right?) Scheme also has an assignment statement:
(set! x 42)
... which we won't use either.
Good scheme style is to avoid using set!, and to program without
side effects. Consider carefully whether you really need non-local
variables. They are reasonable for constants and of course functions. Use
lots of small functions.
Bad style:
(define badbadbad () )
(define (r2 x)
(set! badbadbab (reverse x))
(append badbadbad badbadbad))
More about defining functions
(define (function-name param1 param2 ... paramk)
expr1, expr2, ..., exprN are evaluated in order, and Scheme returns
the value of exprN. However, since the values of expr1, ... exprN-1 are
thrown away, the only reason to do this is if they have side effects. So
in 341 we'll write functions with just a single expression in the body.
Some places you might use multiple expressions, though, would be for a
bunch of print statements, file operations, etc (which of course have side
(define (double x)
(* 2 x))
(double 4) => 8
(define (centigrade-to-fahrenheit c)
(+ (* 1.8 c) 32.0))
(centigrade-to-fahrenheit 100.0) => 212.0
The x in the double function is the formal parameter. It has scope only
within the function. Consider:
(define x 10)
(define (add1 x)
(+ x 1))
(define (double-add x)
(double (add1 x)))
(double-add x) => 22
Three different x's here...
Functions can take 0 arguments:
(define (test) 3)
(test) => 3
Equality and Identity: equal?, eqv?, eq?
Scheme provides three primitives for equality and identity testing:
- eq? is pointer comparison. It returns #t iff its arguments
literally refer to the same objects in memory. Symbols
are unique ('fred always evaluates to the same object).
Two symbols that look the same are eq. Two variables
that refer to the same object are eq.
- eqv? is like eq? but does the right thing when comparing
eqv? returns #t iff its
arguments are eq or if its arguments are numbers that have
the same value. eqv? does not
convert integers to floats when comparing integers and floats though.
- equal? returns true if its arguments have the same structure.
Formally, we can define
equal? recursively.
equal? returns #t iff its arguments are eqv, or if
its arguments are lists whose corresponding elements are equal
(note the recursion).
Two objects that are eq are both eqv and
equal. Two objects
that are eqv are equal,
but not necessarily eq. Two objects that
are equal are not necessarily eqv or
eq. eq is sometimes
called an identity
comparison and equal is called an equality comparison.
(define clam '(1 2 3))
(define octopus clam) ; clam and octopus refer to the same list
(eq? 'clam 'clam) => #t
(eq? clam clam) => #t
(eq? clam octopus) => #t
(eq? clam '(1 2 3)) => #f (or () )
(eq? '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3)) => #f
(eq? 10 10) => #t ; (generally, but imp. dependent)
(eq? 10.0 10.0) => #f ; (generally, but imp. dependent)
(eqv? 10 10) => #t ; always
(eqv? 10.0 10.0) => #t ; always
(eqv? 10.0 10) =>#f ; no conversion btwn types
(equal? clam '(1 2 3)) => #t
(equal? '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3)) => #t
Scheme provides =
for comparing
two numbers, and will coerce one type to another.
For example, (equal? 0 0.0)
returns #f
, but
(= 0 0.0)
returns #t
Logical operators
Scheme provides us with several useful logical operators, including
and, or, and not.
(and expr1 expr2 ... expr-n)
; return true if all the expr's are true
; ... or more precisely, return expr-n if all the expr's evaluate to
; something other than #f. Otherwise return #f
(and (equal? 2 3) (equal? 2 2) #t) => #f
(or expr1 expr2 ... expr-n)
; return true if at least one of the expr's is true
; ... or more precisely, return expr-j if expr-j is the first expr that
; evaluates to something other than #f. Otherwise return #f.
(or (equal? 2 3) (equal? 2 2) #t) => #t
(or (equal? 2 3) 'fred (equal? 3 (/ 1 0))) => 'fred
(define (single-digit x)
(and (> x 0) (< x 10)))
(not expr)
; return true if expr is false
(not (= 10 20)) => #t
Short-circuit and and or
In Scheme and and or just evaluate as far as needed to
decide whether to return #t or #f (like and: and or: in
Smalltalk, or the and and or operators in C++). However, one could easily
write a version that evaluates all its arguments.
Other languages may provide both as built-in functions. For example, in Ada
- AND and OR are the evaluating versions
- AND THEN and OR ELSE are the short-circuit versions
Ada example:
1=1 OR 3=(1/0)
1=1 OR ELSE 3=(1/0)
if special form
(if a b c) if a evaluates to true, then the result of evaluating
b is returned, otherwise the result of evaluating c is returned.
if is
a special form, like quote, because it doesn't automatically evaluate
all of its arguments.
(if (= 5 (+ 2 3)) 10 20) => 10
(if (= 0 1) (/ 1 0) (+ 2 3)) => 5
; note that the (/ 1 0) is not evaluated
(define (my-max x y)
(if (> x y) x y))
(my-max 10 20) => 20
(define (my-max3 x y z)
(if (and (> x y) (> x z))
(if (> y z)
cond -- a more general conditional
The general form of the cond special form is:
(cond (test1 expr1)
(test2 expr2)
(else exprn))
As soon as we find a test that evaluates to true, then we evaluate the
corresponding expr and return its value. The remaining tests are not
evaluated, and all the other expr's are not evaluated.
If none of the tests evaluate to true then we evaluate exprn (the "else"
part) and return its value. (You can leave off the else part but it's not
good style.)
(define (weather f)
(cond ((> f 80) 'too-hot)
((> f 60) 'nice)
((< f 35) 'too-cold)
(else 'typical-seattle)))
cadr, cadadr, and friends
The function names car and cdr have the virtue that they
are easily composable. Thus cadr is the same as:
(define (cadr s) (car (cdr s)))
and gets the second element of a list.
All combinations are defined up to 4 letters, e.g. caddr,
cdadar, etc.
Lexical Scoping (aka static scoping)
Scoping refers to the visibility of names in a program.
Scheme uses lexical scoping, which means that
the names visible at any point of the program (in a given
scope) are only the local
names and any names visible in the lexically enclosing scope. The toplevel
scope is the global scope. Function definitions, let, and
define new scopes.
(define z 100)
(define (squid w)
(clam w z)) ; w and z are visible here
(define (test x)
(let ((y (* 2 x))) ; x, y, and z are visible inside the body of let
(+ x y z))) ; w is not visible inside here
(define (clam a)
(+ a x)) ; x is not visible here, so this will give an error
Commenting Style
If Scheme finds a line of text with a semicolon, the rest of the line
(after the semicolon) is treated as whitespace. However, a frequently used
convention is that one semicolon is used for a short comment on a line of
code, two semicolons are used for a comment within a function on its own
line, and three semicolons are used for an introductory or global comment
(outside a function definition).