CSE 341: Programming Languages

Welcome to the 341 Home Page for Spring Quarter 1998!


Name Email Office Hours
Instructor Alan Borning borning@cs.washington.edu Mon Wed 2:30 - 3:20, Sieg 409
Teaching Assistant Greg J. Badros gjb@cs.washington.edu Tuesday* 11:30 - 12:20 (and by appt.) in Sieg 326A
Teaching Assistant Amir Michail amir@cs.washington.edu Tuesday* 11:30 - 12:20 (and by appt.) in Sieg 326A

* Greg and Amir are splitting the TA position for the course -- each week one or the other of them will have office hours on Tuesdays in Sieg 326A.

General Information

Course Topics

Section Materials

Assignments and Exams


Sample Solutions


Midterm: Given May 11, in class; covers Smalltalk, Java, and Scheme.

Final: Given June 11, in class.

Both exams will be open book and open notes. (However, you can't use a laptop computer, mobile radio link, etc. to actually run the programs on the spot!)

Other information

Previous Offerings of 341

General Programming Language Links

There are additional links for particular classes of languages in the appropriate subpage.