JDK Development tools
Each of the development tools comes in a Win32 version and a Solaris
version. There is no difference in features between Win32 and Solaris
versions. However, there are minor differences in configuration and
usage, to accomodate the special features of each OS.
Basic Tools
- javac
- The compiler for the Java programming language.
- java
- The launcher for Java applications. In this release, a
single launcher is used both for development and deployment.
The old deployment launcher, jre, is no longer provided.
- javadoc
- API documentation generator.
- appletviewer
- Run and debug applets without a web browser.
- jar
- Manage Java Archive (JAR) files.
- jdb
- The Java Debugger.
- javah
- C header and stub generator. Used to write native methods.
- javap
- Class file disassembler
Remote Method Interface (RMI)
- rmic
- Generate stubs and skeletons for remote objects.
- rmiregistry
- Remote object registry service.
- rmid
- RMI activation system daemon.
- serialver
- Return class serialVersionUID.
- native2ascii
- Convert text to Unicode Latin-1.
- keytool
- Manage keystores and certificates
- jarsigner
- Generate and verify JAR signatures.
- policytool
- GUI tool for managing policy files.