Annotated Outline of Java Collections Framework
The Collection API consists of:
- The Collection Hierarchy (Core Collection Interfaces)
- A group of Objects that may or may not be ordered, duplicate free,
mutable, etc.
- The familiar set abstraction. No duplicate elements permitted. Order (if
any) is generally established at Set creation time. Extends Collection.
- Ordered Collection (also known as a sequence). Duplicates are
generally permitted. The caller generally has precise control over the
position of each element in the list. Extends Collection.
- A mapping from keys to values. Each key can map to at most one value.
- A Set whose elements are automatically sorted, either in
their natural ordering (see
or by a Comparator
provided at SortedSet creation time.
- A Map whose mappings are automatically sorted by key, either in
the keys' natural ordering or by a Comparator provided at SortedMap
creation time.
- Concrete Implementations -
All of the new collection implementations are unsynchronized, but
may be synchronized externally with synchronizing
All have fail-fast iterators, which throw
a runtime exception in response to concurrent modification of the the
backing collection, rather than behaving non-deterministically.
New implementations are summarized in tabular
- HashSet
- a Set backed by a hash table. This class serves as a good
general-purpose Set implementation.
A balanced binary tree implementation of the SortedSet interface. Unlike
HashSet, imposes an ordering on its elements.
- ArrayList - a
resizable-array implementation of the List interface. (Essentially an
unsynchronized Vector.) The class was provided in addition to Vector for
consistency in naming and behavior. It serves as a good general-purpose
List implementation.
- a doubly-linked List. May provide better performance than ArrayList
if elements are frequently inserted or deleted within the List. Useful
for queues and double-ended queues (deques).
- HashMap - a hash table
implementation of the Map interface. (Essentially an unsynchronized
Hashtable that supports null keys and values) The class was provided in
addition to Hashtable for consistency in naming and behavior. It serves
as a good general-purpose Map implementation.
A balanced binary tree implementation of the SortedMap interface. Unlike
HashMap, imposes an ordering on its elements.
- a synchronized resizable-array implementation of a List with additional
"legacy methods."
- A synchronized hash table implementation of the Map interface, with
additional "legacy" methods.
- a special-purpose implementation of the Map interface that stores only weak references
to its keys, which allows key-value pairs to be garbage-collected when the key
is no longer referenced outside of the WeakHashMap. This class provides
the easiest way to harness the power of weak references. It is useful for
implementing "registry-like" data structures, where the utility of an entry
vanishes when its key is no longer reachable by any thread.
- Anonymous Implementations - These implementations
are accessed solely through public static factory methods (their
class definitions are not exported). All of these except Arrays.asList
are contained in a single class, Collections.
- Allows an array to be viewed as a List.
- Return an unmodifiable view of a specified collection that throws an UnsupportedOperationException if the user attempts to modify it.
- Return a synchronized collection is backed by the specified (typically unsynchronized) collection. As long
as all accesses to the backing collection are via the returned collection,
thread-safety is guaranteed.
- constants representing the empty Set and List (immutable).
- returns an immutable "singleton" Set containing only the
specified object.
- Returns an immutable List consisting of n copies of a specified object.
Abstract Implementations - The API documentation for these
classes describes precisely how each method is implemented so the
implementer will know which methods should be overridden, given the
performance of the "basic operations" of a specific implementation.
- Skeletal implementation of a Collection that is neither a Set nor a
List (e.g., a "bag" or multiset).
- Skeletal implementation of a Set.
- Skeletal implementation of a List backed by a random-access data store
(such as an array).
- Skeletal implementation of a List backed by a sequential-access data store
(such as a linked list).
- Skeletal implementation of a Map.
- Infrastructure
- Iterators - Similar to
but more powerful, and with improved method names.
- In addition to all of the functionality of Enumeration, has improved
method names and allows the user to remove elements from the
backing collection with well defined, useful semantics. (Designed to
eventually supplant the use of Enumeration.)
- Allows the user to manipulate the List as the enumeration progresses.
Extends Iterator with various list-specific operations. Allows
bi-directional iteration, element replacement, element insertion and
index retrieval.
- Ordering
- Classes that implement this interface provide a natural
ordering, which may be used to order a Collection or sort an array
containing elements of this class. Many classes in the JDK implement this
- Represents an order relation, which may be used to order a
Collection or sort an array. A Comparator may be used in preference to a
Comparable type's natural ordering, or it may be used to order elements
of a type that does not implement Comparable.
- Runtime Exceptions
- Algorithms
sort(List) - Sorts a List using a merge sort
algorithm, which provides average-case performance comparable to a
high-quality quicksort, guaranteed O(n*log n) performance (unlike quicksort),
and stability (unlike quicksort). (A stable sort is one that does
not reorder equal elements.)
binarySearch(List, Object) - Searches for an element in an ordered List using the
binary search algorithm.
- reverse(List) - Reverses the order of the elements in
the a List.
- shuffle(List) - Randomly permutes the elements in a List.
- fill(List, Object)
- Overwrites every element in a List with the specified value.
- copy(List dest, List src) - Copies
the source List into the destination List.
min(Collection) - Returns the minimum element in a Collection.
max(Collection) - Returns the maximum element in a Collection.
- Array Utilities
- Arrays
- Contains static methods to sort, search, compare and fill arrays of primitives and Objects.
Implementation Summary
The following table summarizes the new implementations of the the
core collection interfaces. The names are all of the form
<Implementation><Interface>. All of these
implementations are unsynchronized. All have fail-fast iterators.
- 1
- Makes little sense.
- 2
- No compelling reason to implement.
- 3
- "Special-purpose" List, akin to an ordered multiset.
Vector and Hashtable are excluded from the Table to highlight the
regularity of the new implementations. Note, however, that Vector and
Hashtable are full-fledged, fully-supported implementations of the List
and Map interfaces. They differ from ArrayList and HashMap only in that
they are synchronized, do not support null keys and values, and they support
some "legacy methods" omitted from the new implementations.