Assignment 2 Turnin Information

A note to people working with partners:

If you are working in a group only turn in ONE copy of the homework for your group (one copy electronically and one copy on paper). On this one copy you should clearly state your names. On the paper copy of the turnin please give the orcas login name of the account that submitted the electronic copy.

Paper Turnin:

Turn in a paper copy of answers to the essay type questions like why is it easier to implement + with any number of arguments? and demonstrate both my-trace and enviro-trace on factorial, append, and map.

Also turnin a code listing. You can refer to this code listing when answering the essay type questions (perhaps highlighting appropriate sections of the code).

Electronic Turnin:

You should also turnin all scheme code that you have used. If running your meta-circular-interpreter is more complicated than: (load "somefile.scm") (driver-loop) then you should include a README telling me how to do it. Splitting up yourcode into multipule files is fine, you just have to tell me how to deal with it to get it running. Electronic turnin is easy. For example:

To submit files my-eval.scm and README:

orcas% turnin -v -c cse341 my-eval.scm README
blocksize = 26
-rw-r--r-- 12370/201 10354 Oct 14 22:36:11 1998 my-eval.scm
-rw-r--r-- 12370/201 13 Oct 15 15:08:35 1998 README
Compressing submitted files... please wait
Your files have been submitted to cse341, hw2 for grading.
You can also check to see what you have already turned in with:
orcas% turnin -v -c cse341
blocksize = 16
-rw-r--r-- 12370/201 10354 Oct 14 22:36:11 1998 my-eval.scm
-rw-r--r-- 12370/201 13 Oct 15 15:08:35 1998 README
For additional help on turning things in: man turnin.