CSE 341: Programming Languages

Autumn 1997


Name Email Office Hours
Instructor Richard Anderson anderson@cs.washington.edu Monday 11:00 - 11:50 am, Wednesday 2:30-3:20 pm (and by appt.) Sieg 312
Teaching Assistant Kevin Hinshaw hinshaw@cs.washington.edu Tuesday 11:30 - 12:20, Friday 2:30 - 3:20 (and by appt.) in Sieg 326A


Lectures: MWF 1:30-2:20, MEB 103

Quiz AA, TTh 8:30-9:20 Sieg 226
Quiz AB, TTh 9:30-10:20 Sieg 225

For most of the quarter, the Tuesday quiz section will be a traditional lecture/discussion led by the TA, and the Thursday quiz section will be optional lab hours. However, a few Thursdays will be used for quiz sections or quizzes. See the schedule for details.

For ML, Thursday sections will take place in Sieg 329, the instructional xterm lab. Attendance is optional.

The Mailing List

To subscribe to the mailing list, send email to majordomo@cs with an empty subject line and the text

subscribe cse341

as the body of the message. The address of the mailing list is cse341@cs. Do not send subscription requests to the list itself.

We will assume that all students in the class are on the mailing list, and that you read your email regularly.

Threaded Mailing List Archive


Quizzes and Exams


Reading Assignments

If you want to get a head start on the class, read chapters 8 and 9 of the Sethi book.

Quiz Section Notes

Notes from the Tuesday quiz sections. (Don't rely on having these available for every week, but any that have been typed up will be posted.)

Some Lecture Notes

These notes are from earlier offerings of the class. Since we will be using a text this quarter, they are just supplementary.

Java help

Update! We've installed a local copy of the JDK 1.0.2 docs. No more waiting for Sun's site to respond! Plus I added a page with some sample applets.

The Sun website has lots of information, particularly useful are a collection of papers including a good overview by Gosling and McGilton. There is also a tutorial on the language and internet programming. The JDK page is also very useful.

To get started using Java on the instructional machines, take a look at the following tutorial.

Using ML

SML/NJ is available on the instructional Alphas (orcas, sanjuan). The executable is located in /cse/courses/misc_lang/axp/sml/bin and is called sml. You might want to add the directory to your path. Note that this is version 109.30, which has a few annoying enhancements over version 0.93. (Which was used last year, and corresponds to the Ullman ML book.)

Using Scheme

Scheme is available on the instructional Alphas (orcas, sanjuan). The executable is located in /cse/courses/misc_lang/axp/mit-scheme-7.3/bin and is called scheme. You might want to add the directory to your path.

Other implementations of scheme are available from the MIT Scheme home page. The Revised Scheme Report is useful documentation.

Using Prolog and CLP(R)

Prolog is available on the instructional Alphas (orcas, sanjuan). The executable is located in /cse/courses/misc_lang/axp/prolog/bin and is called pl. We are used SWI-Prolog from Sociaal Wetenschappelijke Informatica at the University of Amsterdam. Here is a pointer to their documentation.

is available on the instructional Alphas (orcas, sanjuan).

Old CSE341 Home Pages

  • Spring 97
  • Winter 97
  • Autumn 96
  • Spring 96
  • Winter 96
  • Autumn 95
  • Spring 95
  • Winter 95
  • Autumn 94

  • General Programming Language Research Resources

    Functional Languages Resources

    Prolog and Logic Programming Resources

    Object-Oriented Languages Resources