###################################### ###################################### # Section 9 ###################################### ###################################### # *) Basic Ruby Types # *) Arrays # *) Ranges # *) Hashes # *) Blocks (just a taste) # *) Reflection and Exploratory Programming ###################################### ###################################### # Arrays ###################################### ###################################### # *) Most common Ruby data structure # *) Lots of functionality you would expect # *) Indexed by integers # *) Dynamically typed (mixed types in array values) # *) Compared to arrays in many other languages: # *) Pro: More flexible and dynamic # *) Pro/Con: Fewer operations are errors # *) Con: Less efficient # ======================================= # Arrays as a List.. # ======================================= # example definition a = [5, 6, 7, 8] # zero indexed a[0] a[1] # no array bounds error in Ruby a[10] # get the length.. a.size # negative indexes: count from the end of the array a[-1] a[-4] a[-10] # adding an element beyond the end of the array: # fills in enough spaces with nil # NOTE: arrays can dynamically grow and shrink a[10] = 9 # of course, dynamically typed a[3] = "hello world" # append another array b = a + [true, false] # ======================================= # Initalizing Arrays # ======================================= # pick initial size at run-time (x == 20) x = if a[1] < a[0] then 10 else 20 end y = Array.new(x) # better: initialized with a block (more on blocks soon) z = Array.new(x) { 0 } w = Array.new(x) { |i| i*i } # ======================================= # Arrays as a Tuple.. # ======================================= # given that arrays are so flexible in ruby, no need for tuple types triple = [false, "hi", a[0] + 4] # get last element triple[2] # ======================================= # Arrays as a Set.. # ======================================= s1 = [1, 2, 3] s2 = [2, 3, 4, 5] # union (distinct elements only) c1 = s1 | s2 # intersection (joint elements only) c2 = s1 & s2 # difference c3 = s2 - s1 # ======================================= # Arrays as a Stack.. # ======================================= a = [] a.push 5 # a = [5] a.push 7 # a = [5, 7] a.pop a.pop # note: returns nil, not an error a.pop # ======================================= # Arrays as a Queue.. # ======================================= a.push 11 a.push 3 a.push 5 # take first element a.shift a # skip to the head of the queue a.unshift 42 # ======================================= # Array aliasing # ======================================= a = [1, 2, 3, 4] # d and a both refer to the same array d = a d a # e refers to a new array with the same values as a / d e = a.clone # (could also add an empty array) #e = a + [] e # evidence d[0] a[0] = "new" d[0] a[0] # note, copy is unchanged e[0] # ======================================= # Array slices # ======================================= f = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14] # slice, starting at element 2 and continuing for 4 elements f[2, 4] # can also assign this way, don't need to use the same number of elements f[2, 4] = [1, 1] f # ======================================= # Array Summary # ======================================= # *) Arrays are really a generic mapping from numeric indices to values # *) Arrays in Ruby can be used for many purposes: # *) Lists # *) Tuples # *) Stacks # *) Queues # *) Sets # *) ... consult documentation for even more..! # *) Very Dynamic # *) Many operations allowed that would be errors in other languages, ex: # *) Accessing / assigning out of bounds # *) Replacing subsets with subsets of a different length ###################################### ###################################### # Hashes in Ruby ###################################### ###################################### # *) similar to arrays, but.. # *) keys can be anything; strings and symbols common # *) unordered, since no natural way to order keys # *) different syntax to make them # ======================================= # Constructing / Basic Lookups # ======================================= # build an empty hash h1 = Hash.new # can optionally provide a default value for lookup failures # or h1 = {} # can use h1.default = ... to set a default here # insert records (note: dynamic typing) h1["my key"] = "my value" h1[true] = 36 # get keys / values h1["my key"] h1.keys h1.values # nonempty hash literals h2 = {"SML"=>1, "Racket"=>2, "Ruby"=>3} h2["SML"] # Symbols are like strings, but faster/more efficient b/c they are treated as atoms # Prefix with ":" # Often used with hashes. h3 = {:sml => 1, :racket => 2, :ruby => 3} # Ruby has syntactic sugar for symbolic keys h4 = {sml: 1, racket: 2, ruby: 3} # ======================================= # Removing records # ======================================= h1.delete("my key") # ======================================= # Iteration of key / value pairs # ======================================= # puts like println # semicolons are like newlines # Note: two argument block h2.each {|k, v| print k; print ": "; puts v} # ======================================= # Hashes: other notes # ======================================= # *) Methods with many possible arguments will sometimes take a hash instead and perform record lookups using symbols ###################################### ###################################### # Ranges in Ruby ###################################### ###################################### # Similar to an array of contiguous numbers, but more efficiently represented 1..10000000 1...10000000 # just has an upper bound and lower bound # can be iterated over in much the same way as arrays # very useful for processing over a sequence of contiguous numbers # ======================================= # Turning into an array # ======================================= (1..100).to_a # ======================================= # Support many of the same iterative functions as array # ======================================= # example using inject (ruby's name for reduce) (1..100).inject {|acc, e| acc + e} # ======================================= # Can be used for array slicing # ======================================= a = Array.new(20) {|i| "e"+i.to_s} a[3..9] # Note difference! a[3...9] a[3, 9] ###################################### ###################################### # Blocks ###################################### ###################################### # *) Array includes many methods that apply iterative functions # *) Typically take a /block/ that is called for each element # *) Blocks: # *) Almost closures # *) Similar to anonymous functions that can be passed to method calls # *) Have lexical scope, like closures (block body uses environment where block was defined) # *) However, cannot be assigned to variables # *) Can take 0 or more arguments # *) Used extensively in Ruby code # *) Loops in Ruby: # *) Traditional loops such as /for/ and /while/ do exist # *) In Ruby, hardly ever used # *) Most "loops" can be implemented using a function that accept a block # *) Instead of writing a loop, go find a useful iterator # ======================================= # Each # ======================================= # puts just prints to console.. [1, 2, 5, 12].each {|i| puts (i*i)} # ======================================= # Map # ======================================= a = Array.new(10) {|i| i } # a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] a = a.map {|x| x * 2} # a = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18] # ======================================= # Inject (aka Reduce aka Fold) # ======================================= a.inject(0) {|acc,elt| acc+elt } # ======================================= # Select (aka Filter) # ======================================= a.select {|x| x > 7 } # ======================================= # Conditionals # ======================================= a.any? {|x| x > 7 } a.all? {|x| x > 7 } # implicit: are elements "true" (i.e., neither false nor nil) a.all? # ======================================= # Lexical Scope # ======================================= i = 7 [4,6,8].each {|x| if i > x then puts (x+1) end } x = [1, 2, 3] my_lambda = -> { puts x[0] } my_lambda.call # prints 1 x[0] = 42 my_lambda.call # prints 42 # https://www.rubyguides.com/2016/02/ruby-procs-and-lambdas/ # We can curry in Ruby, too! # https://gist.github.com/KamilLelonek/eda2a5476d6e8dc1c351 # An uncurried lambda add = -> (a, b) { a + b } add.(1, 2) # add.(1) throws an error add_curry = add.curry # the following are equivalent increment = add_curry.call(1) # This one is pretty clear, although a bit verbose. increment = add_curry.(1) # This one is pretty good. increment = add_curry[1] # This may get confused with array indexing. increment = add_curry.=== 1 # I recommend not using this one. increment.(2) # curried functions can actually be called normally add_curry.(1).(2) # curried call add_curry.(1, 2) # normal call # ======================================= # Similar methods => Duck typing # ======================================= # Arrays, hashes, and ranges all have some methods others don't # E.g. keys and values # But also have many of the same methods, particularly iterators # Great for duck typing def m a a.count {|x| x*x < 50} end # duck typing in m m [3,5,7,9] m (3..9) # Separates "how to iterate" from "what to do" # ======================================= # Comparing basic types # ======================================= # Good style to: # use ranges when you can # use hashes when non-numeric keys better represent data ###################################### ###################################### # Exploratory Programming Using Reflection ###################################### ###################################### # Can determine the "type" (class) of an object by calling its /class/ method 5.class [1, 2, 3].class # Can determine an object's methods by calling its /methods/ method [1, 2, 3].methods [1, 2, 3].methods - 5.methods # throw out "boring" methods all objects have [1, 2, 3].methods.sort - 5.methods # sort alphabetically to search easier # ======================================= # Example Uses # ======================================= # *) Useful for exploring the language while in the REPL # *) Can branch the program at runtime depending on the class of an object # *) Can branch depending on which methods are defined by an object # *) Exploratory Programming => Write programs by fiddling around in the REPL and trying stuff out class Array def my_map if block_given? out = [] self.each { |e| out << yield(e) } out else to_enum :my_map end end end