require "./hw7.rb" =begin CSE341, Programming Languages, Homework 7, Provided Tests Will not work completely until you implement all the classes and their methods Will print only if code has errors; prints nothing if all tests pass These tests do NOT cover all the various cases, especially for intersection =end #Constants for testing ZERO = 0.0 ONE = 1.0 TWO = 2.0 THREE = 3.0 FOUR = 4.0 FIVE = 5.0 SIX = 6.0 SEVEN = 7.0 TEN = 10.0 #Point Tests a =,FIVE) if not (a.x == THREE and a.y == FIVE) puts "Point is not initialized properly" end if not (a.eval_prog([]) == a) puts "Point eval_prog should return self" end if not (a.preprocess_prog == a) puts "Point preprocess_prog should return self" end a1 = a.shift(THREE,FIVE) if not (a1.x == SIX and a1.y == TEN) puts "Point shift not working properly" end a2 = a.intersect(,FIVE)) if not (a2.x == THREE and a2.y == FIVE) puts "Point intersect not working properly" end a3 = a.intersect(,FIVE)) if not (a3.is_a? NoPoints) puts "Point intersect not working properly" end #Line Tests b =,FIVE) if not (b.m == THREE and b.b == FIVE) puts "Line not initialized properly" end if not (b.eval_prog([]) == b) puts "Line eval_prog should return self" end if not (b.preprocess_prog == b) puts "Line preprocess_prog should return self" end b1 = b.shift(THREE,FIVE) if not (b1.m == THREE and b1.b == ONE) puts "Line shift not working properly" end b2 = b.intersect(,FIVE)) if not (((b2.is_a? Line)) and b2.m == THREE and b2.b == FIVE) puts "Line intersect not working properly" end b3 = b.intersect(,FOUR)) if not ((b3.is_a? NoPoints)) puts "Line intersect not working properly" end #VerticalLine Tests c = if not (c.x == THREE) puts "VerticalLine not initialized properly" end if not (c.eval_prog([]) == c) puts "VerticalLine eval_prog should return self" end if not (c.preprocess_prog == c) puts "VerticalLine preprocess_prog should return self" end c1 = c.shift(THREE,FIVE) if not (c1.x == SIX) puts "VerticalLine shift not working properly" end c2 = c.intersect( if not ((c2.is_a? VerticalLine) and c2.x == THREE ) puts "VerticalLine intersect not working properly" end c3 = c.intersect( if not ((c3.is_a? NoPoints)) puts "VerticalLine intersect not working properly" end #LineSegment Tests d =,TWO,-THREE,-FOUR) if not (d.eval_prog([]) == d) puts "LineSegement eval_prog should return self" end d1 =,TWO,ONE,TWO) d2 = d1.preprocess_prog if not ((d2.is_a? Point)and d2.x == ONE and d2.y == TWO) puts "LineSegment preprocess_prog should convert to a Point" puts "if ends of segment are real_close" end d = d.preprocess_prog if not (d.x2 == -THREE and d.y2 == -FOUR and d.x1 == ONE and d.y1 == TWO) puts "LineSegment preprocess_prog should make x1 and y1" puts "on the left of x2 and y2" end d3 = d.shift(THREE,FIVE) if not (d3.x2 == ZERO and d3.y2 == ONE and d3.x1 == FOUR and d3.y1 == SEVEN) puts "LineSegment shift not working properly" end d4 = d.intersect(,TWO,-THREE,-FOUR)) if not (((d4.is_a? LineSegment)) and d4.x2 == -THREE and d4.y2 == -FOUR and d4.x1 == ONE and d4.y1 == TWO) puts "LineSegment intersect not working properly" end d5 = d.intersect(,FIVE,TWO,THREE).preprocess_prog) if not ((d5.is_a? NoPoints)) puts "LineSegment intersect not working properly" end #Intersect Tests i =,FOUR,-ONE,-TWO),,-TWO,THREE,FOUR)) i1 = i.preprocess_prog.eval_prog([]) if not (i1.x2 == -ONE and i1.y2 == -TWO and i1.x1 == THREE and i1.y1 == FOUR) puts "Intersect eval_prog should return the intersect between e1 and e2" end #Var Tests v ="a") v1 = v.eval_prog([["a",,FIVE)]]) if not ((v1.is_a? Point) and v1.x == THREE and v1.y == FIVE) puts "Var eval_prog is not working properly" end if not (v1.preprocess_prog == v1) puts "Var preprocess_prog should return self" end #Let Tests l ="a",,FOUR,-ONE,-TWO),"a"),,-TWO,THREE,FOUR))) l1 = l.preprocess_prog.eval_prog([]) if not (l1.x2 == -ONE and l1.y2 == -TWO and l1.x1 == THREE and l1.y1 == FOUR) puts "Let eval_prog should evaluate e2 after adding [s, e1] to the environment" end #Let Variable Shadowing Test l2 ="a",, -TWO, THREE, FOUR),"b",,FOUR,-ONE,-TWO),"a"),"b")))) l2 = l2.preprocess_prog.eval_prog([["a",,0)]]) if not (l2.x2 == -ONE and l2.y2 == -TWO and l2.x1 == THREE and l2.y1 == FOUR) puts "Let eval_prog should evaluate e2 after adding [s, e1] to the environment" end #Shift Tests s =,FIVE,,-TWO,THREE,FOUR)) s1 = s.preprocess_prog.eval_prog([]) if not (s1.x2 == TWO and s1.y2 == THREE and s1.x1 == SIX and s1.y1 == 9) puts "Shift should shift e by dx and dy" end