Simulating Objects in Racket

We can simulate object-oriented programming in Racket using a combination of lexical scoping and side effects. (Racket actually has support for real objects as well, but we won't use them in 341.)

First, let's see how functions can share state.

;; define the variables incr and get, and just give them null as 
;; a value for now (it will be reset later)
(define incr  '())
(define get '())

(let ([n 0])
   (set! incr (lambda (i) (set! n (+ n i))))
   (set! get (lambda () n)))

The variables incr and get are global variables, now bound to functions. The variable n is shared by them, but is hidden -- it is not a global variable.

Now try evaluating the following expressions:


(incr 10)

(incr 100)
Now we can add dispatching to simulate a simple object. (This example is adapted from Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.) Here we define a bank account object, with a field my-balance, and methods balance, deposit, and withdraw.

This example is also available as a separate web page bankaccount.rkt.

(define (make-account)
   (let ([my-balance 0])

      ;; return the current balance
      (define (balance)

      ;; make a withdrawal
     (define (withdraw amount)
        (if (>= my-balance amount)
           (begin (set! my-balance (- my-balance amount))
           "Insufficient funds"))

     ;; make a deposit
     (define (deposit amount)
        (set! my-balance (+ my-balance amount))

     ;; the dispatching function -- decide what to do with the request
     (define (dispatch m)
        (cond [(eq? m 'balance) balance]
              [(eq? m 'withdraw) withdraw]
              [(eq? m 'deposit) deposit]
              [else (error "Unknown request -- MAKE-ACCOUNT"  m)]))

Note that the variable my-balance is local to the make-account function.

Using the account:

(define acct1 (make-account))
(define acct2 (make-account))
((acct1 'balance))               => 0
((acct1 'deposit) 100)           => 100
((acct1 'withdraw) 30)           => 70
((acct1 'withdraw) 200)          => "Insufficient funds"

;; acct2 is a different account from acct1!
((acct2 'balance))               => 0