/* CSE 341 - clpr examples */ /* As we've discussed, arithmetic in standard Prolog is not as elegant as other constructs for things like list and tree manipulation. SWI Prolog includes a variety of constraint libraries that add a constraint capability to the language. The result are capabilities much more in line with the Prolog orientation toward logic and declarative programming. See Appendix A.8 of the SWI Prolog for more information. Here we'll look at the clpr library for constraints on real numbers. This has to be loaded explicitly, as follows: */ :- use_module(library(clpr)). /* Here are some of the arithmetic examples from the Prolog Basics lecture notes, redone using constraints. Note that constraints are written in {curly brackets}; the variables in the constraints can be freely used in ordinary Prolog rules as well. Try these with various combinations of constants and variables */ /* centigrade to fahrenheit converter */ /* old definition: fahrenheit(C,F) :- F is 1.8*C+32.0. */ cf(C,F) :- {F = 1.8*C+32.0}. myabs(X,X) :- {X>=0}. myabs(X,X1) :- {X<0, X1 = -X}. mymax(X,Y,X) :- {X>=Y}. mymax(X,Y,Y) :- {X Pivot}, /* the other constraint */ partition(Pivot,Xs,Ys,Zs). /* the double relation */ double(X,Y) :- {Y=2*X}. /* Solve for the currents (or other parameters) for a network consisting of a battery and three resistors in parallel. The variables are as follows: V is the voltage of the battery I0 is the current flowing out of the positive lead of the battery I1, I2, I3 are the currents flowing into the three resistors R1, R2, R3 are the resistances of the three resistors The first constraint represents Kirchhoff's Law for the top node connecting the positive lead from the battery to each resistor. (Be careful to keep the directions of the currents straight.) The other constraints represent Ohm's Law for each resistor. */ parallel_resistors(V,I0,R1,R2,R3) :- {I0 = I1+I2+I3}, {V = I1*R1}, {V = I2*R2}, {V = I3*R3}. /* sample goal - find the current given the voltage and resistances */ go1(I) :- parallel_resistors(10,I,10,20,30). /* find the relation between voltage and current */ go2(V,I) :- parallel_resistors(V,I,30,30,30). /* find an unknown resistance */ go3(R3) :- parallel_resistors(10,1,100,200,R3). /* The clpr library can solve arbitrary linear equality and inequality constraints. Try some simultaneous equations, and also inequality constraints that are unsatisfiable (even though we never give enough information to find a specific value for the constrained variable). Examples: {X+Y=10, X-Y=2}. {2*X + 3*Y + Z = 21, X + Y - Z = 1, 10*X + Y + 1 = Z + 20}. {X+2*Y = 10}. {X > 5, X < 3}. We can also minimize or maximize the value of an expession subject to other constraints using minimize(X) or maximize(X). Example: {X>=0, X=<10}, maximize(X). Nonlinear constraints (quadratics, constraints involving exponentiation, sin, cos, tan, etc) are delayed until there is enough information to solve them directly. Examples: {1.0 = sin(X)}. -- solved immediately {A = sin(X)^2 + cos(X)^2}. -- delayed {A = sin(X)^2 +cos(X)^2, X=0.5}. -- solved */