# University of Washington, Programming Languages, Homework 7, hw7provided.rb require_relative './hw7graphics' # class responsible for the pieces and their movements class Piece # creates a new Piece from the given point array, holding the board for # determining if movement is possible for the piece, and gives the piece a # color, rotation, and starting position. def initialize (point_array, board) @all_rotations = point_array @rotation_index = (0..(@all_rotations.size-1)).to_a.sample @color = All_Colors.sample @base_position = [5, 0] # [column, row] @board = board @moved = true end def current_rotation @all_rotations[@rotation_index] end def moved @moved end def position @base_position end def color @color end def drop_by_one @moved = move(0, 1, 0) end # takes the intended movement in x, y and rotation and checks to see if the # movement is possible. If it is, makes this movement and returns true. # Otherwise returns false. def move (delta_x, delta_y, delta_rotation) # Ensures that the rotation will always be a possible formation (as opposed # to nil) by altering the intended rotation so that it stays # within the bounds of the rotation array moved = true potential = @all_rotations[(@rotation_index + delta_rotation) % @all_rotations.size] # for each individual block in the piece, checks if the intended move # will put this block in an occupied space potential.each{|posns| if !(@board.empty_at([posns[0] + delta_x + @base_position[0], posns[1] + delta_y + @base_position[1]])); moved = false; end } if moved @base_position[0] += delta_x @base_position[1] += delta_y @rotation_index = (@rotation_index + delta_rotation) % @all_rotations.size end moved end # class method to figures out the different rotations of the provided piece def self.rotations (point_array) rotate1 = point_array.map {|x,y| [-y,x]} rotate2 = point_array.map {|x,y| [-x,-y]} rotate3 = point_array.map {|x,y| [y,-x]} [point_array, rotate1, rotate2, rotate3] end # class method to choose the next piece def self.next_piece (board) Piece.new(All_Pieces.sample, board) end # class array holding all the pieces and their rotations All_Pieces = [[[[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1]]], # square (only needs one) rotations([[0, 0], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1]]), # T [[[0, 0], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0]], # long (only needs two) [[0, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1], [0, 2]]], rotations([[0, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1], [1, 1]]), # L rotations([[0, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1], [-1, 1]]), # inverted L rotations([[0, 0], [-1, 0], [0, -1], [1, -1]]), # S rotations([[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [-1, -1]])] # Z # class array All_Colors = ['DarkGreen', 'dark blue', 'dark red', 'gold2', 'Purple3', 'OrangeRed2', 'LightSkyBlue'] end # Class responsible for the interaction between the pieces and the game itself class Board def initialize (game) @grid = Array.new(num_rows) {Array.new(num_columns)} @current_block = Piece.next_piece(self) @score = 0 @game = game @delay = 500 end # both the length and the width of a block, since it is a square def block_size 15 end def num_columns 10 end def num_rows 27 end # the current score def score @score end # the current delay def delay @delay end # the game is over when there is a piece extending into the second row # from the top def game_over? @grid[1].any? end # moves the current piece down by one, if this is not possible stores the # current piece and replaces it with a new one. def run ran = @current_block.drop_by_one if !ran store_current if !game_over? next_piece end end @game.update_score draw end # moves the current piece left if possible def move_left if !game_over? and @game.is_running? @current_block.move(-1, 0, 0) end draw end # moves the current piece right if possible def move_right if !game_over? and @game.is_running? @current_block.move(1, 0, 0) end draw end # rotates the current piece clockwise def rotate_clockwise if !game_over? and @game.is_running? @current_block.move(0, 0, 1) end draw end # rotates the current piece counterclockwise def rotate_counter_clockwise if !game_over? and @game.is_running? @current_block.move(0, 0, -1) end draw end # drops the piece to the lowest location in the currently occupied columns. # Then replaces it with a new piece # Change the score to reflect the distance dropped. def drop_all_the_way if @game.is_running? ran = @current_block.drop_by_one @current_pos.each{|block| block.remove} while ran @score += 1 ran = @current_block.drop_by_one end draw store_current if !game_over? next_piece end @game.update_score draw end end # gets the next piece def next_piece @current_block = Piece.next_piece(self) @current_pos = nil end # gets the information from the current piece about where it is and uses this # to store the piece on the board itself. Then calls remove_filled. def store_current locations = @current_block.current_rotation displacement = @current_block.position (0..3).each{|index| current = locations[index]; @grid[current[1]+displacement[1]][current[0]+displacement[0]] = @current_pos[index] } remove_filled @delay = [@delay - 2, 80].max end # Takes a point and checks to see if it is in the bounds of the board and # currently empty. def empty_at (point) if !(point[0] >= 0 and point[0] < num_columns) return false elsif point[1] < 1 return true elsif point[1] >= num_rows return false end @grid[point[1]][point[0]] == nil end # removes all filled rows and replaces them with empty ones, dropping all rows # above them down each time a row is removed and increasing the score. def remove_filled (2..(@grid.size-1)).each{|num| row = @grid.slice(num); # see if this row is full (has no nil) if @grid[num].all? # remove from canvas blocks in full row (0..(num_columns-1)).each{|index| @grid[num][index].remove; @grid[num][index] = nil } # move down all rows above and move their blocks on the canvas ((@grid.size - num + 1)..(@grid.size)).each{|num2| @grid[@grid.size - num2].each{|rect| rect && rect.move(0, block_size)}; @grid[@grid.size-num2+1] = Array.new(@grid[@grid.size - num2]) } # insert new blank row at top @grid[0] = Array.new(num_columns); # adjust score for full flow @score += 10; end} self end # current_pos holds the intermediate blocks of a piece before they are placed # in the grid. If there were any before, they are sent to the piece drawing # method to be removed and replaced with that of the new position def draw @current_pos = @game.draw_piece(@current_block, @current_pos) end end class Tetris # creates the window and starts the game def initialize @root = TetrisRoot.new @timer = TetrisTimer.new set_board @running = true key_bindings buttons run_game end # creates a canvas and the board that interacts with it def set_board @canvas = TetrisCanvas.new @board = Board.new(self) @canvas.place(@board.block_size * @board.num_rows + 3, @board.block_size * @board.num_columns + 6, 24, 80) @board.draw end def key_bindings @root.bind('n', lambda {self.new_game}) @root.bind('p', lambda {self.pause}) @root.bind('q', lambda {exitProgram}) @root.bind('a', lambda {@board.move_left}) @root.bind('Left', lambda {@board.move_left}) @root.bind('d', lambda {@board.move_right}) @root.bind('Right', lambda {@board.move_right}) @root.bind('s', lambda {@board.rotate_clockwise}) @root.bind('Down', lambda {@board.rotate_clockwise}) @root.bind('w', lambda {@board.rotate_counter_clockwise}) @root.bind('Up', lambda {@board.rotate_counter_clockwise}) @root.bind('space' , lambda {@board.drop_all_the_way}) end def buttons pause = TetrisButton.new('pause', 'lightcoral'){self.pause} pause.place(35, 50, 90, 7) new_game = TetrisButton.new('new game', 'lightcoral'){self.new_game} new_game.place(35, 75, 15, 7) quit = TetrisButton.new('quit', 'lightcoral'){exitProgram} quit.place(35, 50, 140, 7) move_left = TetrisButton.new('left', 'lightgreen'){@board.move_left} move_left.place(35, 50, 27, 536) move_right = TetrisButton.new('right', 'lightgreen'){@board.move_right} move_right.place(35, 50, 127, 536) rotate_clock = TetrisButton.new('^_)', 'lightgreen'){@board.rotate_clockwise} rotate_clock.place(35, 50, 77, 501) rotate_counter = TetrisButton.new('(_^', 'lightgreen'){ @board.rotate_counter_clockwise} rotate_counter.place(35, 50, 77, 571) drop = TetrisButton.new('drop', 'lightgreen'){@board.drop_all_the_way} drop.place(35, 50, 77, 536) label = TetrisLabel.new(@root) do text 'Current Score: ' background 'lightblue' end label.place(35, 100, 26, 45) @score = TetrisLabel.new(@root) do background 'lightblue' end @score.text(@board.score) @score.place(35, 50, 126, 45) end # starts the game over, replacing the old board and score def new_game @canvas.unplace @canvas.delete set_board @score.text(@board.score) @running = true run_game end # pauses the game or resumes it def pause if @running @running = false @timer.stop else @running = true self.run_game end end # alters the displayed score to reflect what is currently stored in the board def update_score @score.text(@board.score) end # repeatedly calls itself so that the process is fully automated. Checks if # the game is over and if it isn't, calls the board's run method which moves # a piece down and replaces it with a new one when the old one can't move any # more def run_game if !@board.game_over? and @running @timer.stop @timer.start(@board.delay, (lambda {|x| @board.run; run_game})) end end # whether the game is running def is_running? @running end # takes a piece and optionally the list of old TetrisRects corresponding # to it and returns a new set of TetrisRects which are how the piece is # visible to the user. def draw_piece (piece, old=nil) if old != nil and piece.moved old.each{|block| block.remove} end size = @board.block_size blocks = piece.current_rotation start = piece.position blocks.map{|block| TetrisRect.new(@canvas, start[0]*size + block[0]*size + 3, start[1]*size + block[1]*size, start[0]*size + size + block[0]*size + 3, start[1]*size + size + block[1]*size, piece.color)} end end # To help each game of Tetris be unique. srand