{- Producing Executable Files with Haskell CSE 341 To produce an executable file, you need to have a module called "Main" with an action called "main" with type IO (). (The file can be called something other than Main.hs however.) Then at the command line do this: ghc --make Magic.hs -o magicprogram 'magicprogram' will now be an executable file. For some reason, the Haskell compiler uses a slightly different I/O library than the interpreter (at least on Linux and Mac). As a result, the compiled program has a nicer input behavior for readLn that understands backspace, ^u, etc. But on the output side, you need to have a newline at the end of the end of the string being printed, or for the compiled version Haskell won't output it until it has a complete line of text. You can also do this on the command line to simply run the program: runhaskell Magic.hs (This will have the same behavior as the compiled program in terms of providing the nicer input behavior, and also needing a newline at the end of any string to be printed.) -} module Main where get_magic_number = do -- Unlike the interpreted version, you need to have a newline at the -- end of the end of the string being printed (see above). putStrLn "Please enter a magic number: " n <- readLn if mod n 2 == 0 then do putStrLn "Sorry, even numbers are not magic ..." get_magic_number else return n main = do n <- get_magic_number putStrLn ("The magic number is ... " ++ show n ++ "\n\n")