class HiWorld attr_accessor :phrase #Class Constant example CITY = "Seattle" #Class variable @@num_worlds = 0 #One way to create a class method: def HiWorld.num_worlds @@num_worlds end =begin Two other ways to create a class method from inside the class. Also, this is how you do block comments! def self.num_worlds @@num_worlds end class << self def num_worlds @@num_worlds end =end #initialize with a default value def initialize(phrase="Hello World!") @phrase = phrase @@num_worlds += 1 #no ++ operator in Ruby! end def hello puts @phrase end def rainy? # not isRainy() true end #What happens if you look at an uninitialized field... def test_field puts @new_field end #duck typing! Don't care what type 'names' is, #only care what methods it has, def say_hi(names) if names.respond_to? "join" puts @phrase + " to everyone: " + names.join(", ") else puts @phrase + " to you: " + names end end #a method that takes a block, #two ways to pass to the block def my_block(&p) yield @phrase @phrase end #custom to string method (return the string) def to_s @phrase end #private methods from here to end of class def. private def whisper puts "shh.." end end #psuedo main method, run this if #this file is run as an executable if __FILE__ == $0 g ="Hi there!") h = g.hello h.hello g.say_hi("Bill") h.say_hi(["Bob", "Jane", "Fred"]) g.my_block {|x| puts x} puts #all instances of a given class ObjectSpace.each_object(HiWorld) {|x| p x} puts #Other reflective methods: puts "Instance variables: " puts g.instance_variables puts # puts g.methods - there's a lot! puts "Has a to_s? " puts g.respond_to?("to_s") puts puts "Is of class: " puts g.class puts puts "Is a kind of Object? " puts g.kind_of?(Object) puts puts "Is an instance of HiWorld? " puts g.instance_of?(HiWorld) puts #moving on to Class information.. #setting the flags to false so only local #methods are displayed (not all the inherited ones) puts "Private Instance methods:" puts HiWorld.private_instance_methods(false) puts puts "Public Instance methods:" puts HiWorld.public_instance_methods(false) puts puts "Class constants:" puts HiWorld.constants #Accessing a class constant: puts HiWorld::CITY puts puts "Class variables:" puts HiWorld.class_variables puts "current class variable value: " + HiWorld.num_worlds.to_s puts puts "Singleton Methods" puts HiWorld.singleton_methods puts #Singleton example! puts g.respond_to?("farewell") puts h.respond_to?("farewell") puts "Adding farewell to h..." def h.farewell puts "Byebye!" end puts g.respond_to?("farewell") puts h.respond_to?("farewell") puts #Eval example. Eval essentially treats a string as if it were #Ruby code, and executes it. test = "HiWorld" + ".new" j = eval(test) j.hello #Can also pass an environment (binding is a ruby method, creates #a binding of local variables and returns a Binding object) def my_env num=5 return binding end b = my_env puts eval("num", b) puts #Dynamic call of methods and the to_sym method # :something is the symbol for something in Ruby. # call call the corresponding method with send: j.send(:hello) #can create symbols dynamically using to_sym: a_string = "say_hi" a_symbol = a_string.to_sym j.send(a_symbol, "Bill") puts #can also grab a particular method, and invoke it with call some_method = j.method(:say_hi) "Fred" #even trickier: can grab an instance method of a class, #bind that method to an instantiated object, and call it! m1 = HiWorld.instance_method(:hello) m2 = m1.bind(j) #must bind to an instance of the class.. #number = 5 #m3 = m1.bind(number) end