{- CSE 341, Haskell Example of using the HUnit unit test framework. See http://hackage.haskell.org/package/HUnit- for additional documentation. To run the tests type "runTestTT tests" at the Haskell prompt. I find it convenient to give a shorter name to this, so that (as in the program below) you can just type "run". -} module UnitTestExample where import Test.HUnit import Char {- Two useful functions in the HUnit package are assertEqual and assertBool. The arguments to 'assertEqual' are: a descriptive string the expected value the value being tested The arguments to 'assertBool' are: a descriptive string the boolean value being tested -} -- test1, test2, and test3 succeed -- test4 doesn't give the expected answer -- test5 gets an error trying to evaluate the thing being tested test1 = TestCase (assertEqual "arithmetic test" 7 (3+4)) test2 = TestCase (assertEqual "string test" "squid clam" ("squid " ++ "clam")) test3 = TestCase (assertBool "char test" (Char.isUpper 'A')) test4 = TestCase (assertEqual "bad arithmetic" 8 (3+4)) test5 = TestCase (assertEqual "bad list" [3] (tail [])) tests = TestList [TestLabel "test1" test1, TestLabel "sea creature test" test2, TestLabel "char test" test3, TestLabel "test4" test4, TestLabel "test5" test5] -- shortcut to run the tests run = runTestTT tests