Scheme Resources
Resources for PLT Scheme (which we'll be using):
download DrScheme
(for language, select "Pretty Big")
PLT Scheme guide
A fun
intro to PLT Scheme
using graphics
PLT Scheme reference
(more concise than the guide)
R5RS (the Standard)
Scheme notes written by Alan Borning:
Eval and Apply
Side Effects and Structs
Simulating Objects in Scheme
Additional Topics
The textbook for MIT's intro course 6.001:
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
(a.k.a. the wizard book)
of Abelson and Sussman teaching MIT's 6.001
How to Design Programs
, an intro textbook by
Matthias Felleisen
who has been teaching functional programming for decades
Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation
, another intro Scheme book
An Introduction To Scheme and Its Implementation
, YASIB (yet another Scheme intro book)
Some interesting cartoons about Lisp:
Stuart Reges
Last modified: Wed May 5 16:34:13 PDT 2010