CSE341 Key to Sample Final Exam handout #23 1. Scheme expressions. Part A: (define a 2) (define b 4) (define c 8) (let ((a (+ a c)) (b (+ a b))) (list a b c)) (10 6 8) Part B: (define a 4) (define b 8) (define c 12) (let* ((a (+ a c)) (c (+ a b))) (list a b c)) (16 8 24) Part C: (define x 3) (define (f n) (+ x n)) (define a (f 2)) (define x 13) (define b (f 2)) (let ((x 23)) (list a b x)) (5 15 23) Part D: (define a '(1 2)) (define b (cons 8 a)) (define c (append b a)) (set-car! (cdr b) 16) (set-car! b 24) (list a b c) (#t #f #t) 2. One possible solution appears below. (define (cube-sum n) (cond ((< n 0) (error "negative argument")) ((= n 0) 0) (else (+ (* n n n) (cube-sum (- n 1)))))) 3. One possible solution appears below. (define (consecutive lst) (cond ((null? lst) #t) ((null? (cdr lst)) #t) (else (and (= (cadr lst) (+ 1 (car lst))) (consecutive (cdr lst)))))) 4. One possible solution appears below. (define (powers n m) (define (helper count power lst) (if (= count 0) lst (helper (- count 1) (* power m) (append lst (list power))))) (if (< n 0) (error "negative argument") (helper n m ()))) 5. One possible solution appears below. (define (vector-product lst1 lst2) (cond ((and (null? lst1) (null? lst2)) ()) ((or (null? lst1) (null? lst2)) (error "lists of different length")) (else (cons (* (car lst1) (car lst2)) (vector-product (cdr lst1) (cdr lst2)))))) 6. One possible solution appears below. (define (transpose matrix) (cond ((null? matrix) ()) ((null? (car matrix)) ()) (else (cons (map car matrix) (transpose (map cdr matrix)))))) 7. One possible solution appears below. (define (matrix-product m1 m2) (map (lambda (lst1) (map (lambda (lst2) (foldl + 0 (vector-product lst1 lst2))) (transpose m2))) m1)) 8. Ruby expressions. Part A: x.each {|n| puts n + 1} 8 19 25 8 4 Part B: for n in y do puts n if n % 3 == 0 end 0 3 6 9 Part C: x.map {|n| 2 * n + 1} [15, 37, 49, 15, 7] 9. One possible solution appears below. def minmax(lst) min = lst[0] max = lst[0] for n in lst do if n < min then min = n elsif n > max then max = n end end puts min puts max end 10. One possible solution appears below. def add(x, y) result = [] if x.length > y.length max = x.length else max = y.length end max.times do |i| n = 0 n += x[i] if x[i] n += y[i] if y[i] result.push n end result end 11. One possible solution appears below. class Array def running_sum sum = 0 for n in self sum += n yield sum end sum end end 12. One possible solution appears below. class Array def collapse result = [] i = 0 while i < length - 1 do result.push yield(self[i], self[i + 1]) i += 2 end if length % 2 == 1 then result.push self[-1] end result end end