; TextPad syntax definitions for SML (not complete) ; Put together by David Vitek ; This is missing some keywords. C=1 [Syntax] Namespace1 = 6 IgnoreCase = No InitKeyWordChars = A-Za-z_ KeyWordChars = A-Za-z0-9_ BracketChars = {[()]} OperatorChars = ~-+*/<>!~%^&|=:#;.@ PreprocStart = SyntaxStart = SyntaxEnd = HexPrefix = CommentStart = (* CommentEnd = *) CommentStartAlt = CommentEndAlt = SingleComment = SingleCommentCol = SingleCommentAlt = SingleCommentColAlt = SingleCommentEsc = StringsSpanLines = Yes StringStart = " StringEnd = " StringAlt = StringEsc = \ CharStart = CharEnd = CharEsc = [Keywords 1] ;language core fn fun datatype if then else val let in end case of op infix structure and type struct handle signature sig raise [Keywords 2] ;libraries & library functions Real abs map set foldl foldr empty compare find intersect union difference add filter Int String RedBlackSetFn RedBlackMapFn List Char rev insert remove nth hd tl getItem unionWith exists all foldli foldri filteri nil toString append length [Keywords 3] ;native types 'a bool int real string order word unit array vector list ref option [Keywords 4] ;multiple character operators div mod o [Keywords 5] true false not andalso orelse