CSE341 Notes for Wednesday, 5/27/09

We continued our exploration of Ruby. I reminded people that I had put up a set of lecture notes from William Mitchell. I've found these very helpful in picking up the language details step by step. I've also included an init file for irb that William made up that gives us a few nice features. It allows us to use "it" in the same way we did in the ML interpreter to get the most recently computed value. It does a better job of indenting when we type in control structures. And it allows us to hit the escape key to see the list of possible completions for something like "3.". I've included instructions on the class web page about how to get this file on your attu account if you're interested.

I mentioned that there is a class called Hash that can be used to store a hashtable of key/value pairs (like the Java Map classes). You can construct it by calling new or just using curly brace notation:

        irb(main):020:0> x = Hash.new
        => {}
        irb(main):021:0> x = {}
        => {}
Once constructed, you can use array-like square bracket notation to associate keys with values:

        irb(main):022:0> x["hello"] = 15
        => 15
        irb(main):023:0> x["foo"] = 92
        => 92
        irb(main):024:0> x[85] = "bar"
        => "bar"
        irb(main):025:0> x
        => {85=>"bar", "foo"=>92, "hello"=>15}
This is simpler than the Java approach of calling get and put methods, especially when you want to do complex manipulations like:

        irb(main):026:0> x["foo"] *= 2
        => 184
        irb(main):027:0> x
        => {85=>"bar", "foo"=>184, "hello"=>15}
I then talked a bit about control structures. I said that I really like the "quick reference guide" that is linked under Ruby resources on the class web page. Ruby has many familiar control structures like if/else and while and the quick reference has templates for these:

        if bool-expr [then]
        elsif bool-expr [then]
        while bool-expr [do]
Ruby also allows you to include these after statements. So you can either say something like this:

        irb(main):034:0> x = 3
        irb(main):030:0> while x < 200 do
        irb(main):031:1*     x *= 2
        irb(main):032:1>   end
        => nil
        irb(main):033:0> x
        => 384
or you can say it this way:

        irb(main):034:0> x = 3
        => 3
        irb(main):035:0> x *= 2 while x < 200
        => nil
        irb(main):036:0> x
        => 384
There are also interesting variations like an "unless" construct that is like an inverse if/else and an "until" construct that is like an inverse while.

Then I spent some time talking about classes. I started by pointing out that the Ruby philosophy is very different from the Java philosophy. In Java, a class definition contains the complete blueprint for the class, listing all instance variables and methods. In Ruby, you can define a class multiple times, each time adding more instance variables and methods. You can even do this for built-in classes.

For example, we've seen the built-in Array class:

        irb(main):037:0> x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        irb(main):038:0> x.class
        => Array
We saw that we could use a class definition to dynamically add a new definition to the Array class:

        irb(main):046:0> class Array
        irb(main):047:1>   def push2(n)
        irb(main):048:2>     push n
        irb(main):049:2>     push n
        irb(main):050:2>     end
        irb(main):051:1>   end
        => nil
        irb(main):052:0> x.push2 3
        => [8, 3, 3]
        irb(main):053:0> x.push2 8
        => [8, 3, 3, 8, 8]
We also saw that we could add new methods for numbers. For example, suppose we want to have a method called double that returns twice a number. There isn't such a method in ruby:

        irb(main):060:0> 3.double
        NoMethodError: undefined method `double' for 3:Fixnum
                from (irb):60
                from :0
But that doesn't prevent us from adding it to the class:

        irb(main):061:0> class Fixnum
        irb(main):062:1>   def double
        irb(main):063:2>     return 2 * self
        irb(main):064:2>     end
        irb(main):065:1>   end
        => nil
        irb(main):066:0> 3.double
        => 6
I said that this is very powerful but also potentially dangerous. For example, you can redefine the addition operator:

        irb(main):067:0> class Fixnum
        irb(main):068:1>   def +(n)
        irb(main):069:2>     return 5
        irb(main):070:2>     end
        irb(main):071:1>   end
        => nil
        irb(main):072:0> 2 + 2
        => 5
        irb(main):005:0> 1 + 8
        => 5
        irb(main):005:0> 983 + 742
        => 5
        irb(main):005:0> 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
        => 5
It's interesting that you can do that, but that could potentially break other code that counts on addition behaving properly. For example, someone pointed out that the interpreter was no longer able to keep track of line numbers. It was reporting each line number as 5 after we made this change.

I then mentioned that I wanted to discuss one of the most important concepts in Ruby: the idea of a block. You can think of it as a "block of code," although it really is something we've seen before: a closure. You can specify blocks either with curly brace notation or with do...end notation. For example, the FixNum class has a method called times that expects a block. You get an error if you don't provide one:

        irb(main):056:0> 3.times
        LocalJumpError: no block given
                from (irb):56:in `times'
                from (irb):56
                from :0
Using the curly brace notation we'd say:

        irb(main):057:0> 3.times { puts "hello" }
        => 3
The FixNum object executes the block of code the given number of times (3 times in this case because we asked 3 to do this task). We could instead use do...end notation:

        irb(main):058:0> 3.times do
        irb(main):059:1*     puts "hello"
        irb(main):060:1>   end
        => 3
According to our textbook, the usual convention is to use curly braces for short, one-line blocks, and to use do...end for multiline blocks.

Blocks can include parameters. This is very similar to an anonymous function in ML when we said things like:

        fn x => 2 * x
We read this as, "a function of x that returns 2 * x." In Ruby you put any parameters inside pipe characters ("|") at the beginning of the block. After the parameter(s), you put the code, as in:

        {|n| puts n}
which we would read as, "a function of n that calls puts on n". We can pass this block to the times method:

        irb(main):061:0> 3.times {|n| puts n}
        => 3
As you can see, the times method produces the values 0 through 2 as it executes the block three different times. Our earlier examples simply ignored this parameter value.

Then I said that I wanted to spend a little time understanding how Range objects are implemented in Ruby:

        irb(main):066:0> x = 1..10
        => 1..10
        irb(main):068:0> x.class
        => Range
A common use for Range objects is to control the foreach loop in Ruby:

        irb(main):069:0> for i in x
        irb(main):070:1>   puts i
        irb(main):071:1>   end
        => 1..10
We began by writing a constructor for it. In Ruby, you specify a constructor by overriding the initialize method:

        class MyRange
          def initialize(first, last)
            @first = first
            @last = last
In Ruby, you differentiate between instance variables and local variables by putting an at-sign ("@") in front of any instance variable.

You construct objects by calling the new method of the class, although Ruby will make sure that you provide the right number of arguments:

        irb(main):079:0> x = MyRange.new
        ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 2)
                from (irb):79:in `initialize'
                from (irb):79:in `new'
                from (irb):79
                from (null):0
        irb(main):080:0> x = MyRange.new(1, 10)
        => #<MyRange:0xb7fa6c40 @first=1, @last=10>
Then I asked people how to write a method that we'll call "eech" for now that simply prints every integer in the range from first to last. Someone suggested using a while loop:

        def eech
          i = @first
          while i <= @last
            puts i
            i += 1
We had to remember to put an @ in front of every instance variable name (a common error, especially for people used to Java). We forgot to include the increment of i in our first version, which gave us an infinite loop, but when we added it, we found that it printed the values, as expected:

        irb(main):018:0> x.eech
        => nil
Everyone thought this was very boring until I said that we were about to see something really interesting. I said that instead of calling "puts" to print the value, what if we instead call "yield"?

        def eech
          i = @first
          while i <= @last
            yield i
            i += 1
The yield statement is used in Ruby to invoke a block. In fact, just including a call on yield caused Ruby to now insist on getting a block when the method is called:

        irb(main):029:0> x.eech
        LocalJumpError: no block given
                from (irb):23:in `eech'
                from (irb):29
                from :0
Now we have to supply a block to execute, as in:

        irb(main):031:0> x.eech {|n| puts 2 * n}
        => nil
Here's what is going on. The block represents some code that isn't immediately executed. It's passed to the eech method. The eech method does whatever it wants to, but then it calls yield as a way to invoke the block. At that point, control shifts to the block. The method called yield with a parameter, so that value is fed into the block into its parameter n. Once the block finishes executing, control goes back to the eech method. The eech method then does more work and calls yield again, shifting control back to the block. This back and forth continues until the eech method finishes executing.

I briefly discussed the idea of a block as a closure. When we studied ML, we saw that a closure has two key elements:

ML functions keep track of both the code and the environment. In the same way, Ruby blocks keep track of their context, remembering any local variables and keeping track of the value of "self" (which object it is defined inside of).

We found, though, that we couldn't use the built-in "for each" loop the way we can with a Range object. With the built-in Range, we can say:

        for i in 1..5
          puts i
But we can't do the same with our MyRange object:

        x = MyRange.new(1, 5)
        for i in x
          puts i
When we tried this, we got a NoMethodError for a method called "each". If you want your Ruby object to work with a for-each loop, you have to name the method "each". So we went back into the file and changed the name from "eech" to "each" and found that now we could use for-each loops for our MyRange object.

Stuart Reges
Last modified: Mon Jun 1 06:44:15 PDT 2009