This schedule will likely change a
bit as the quarter progresses. Please see the course home page for
links to the lecture materials for each topic.
Week 1: Overview; Haskell
- Sept 24: Introduction to 341 and Haskell
- Sept 26: Haskell basics continued
Week 2: Haskell
Week 3: Haskell; Types More Generally in Programming Languages
Week 4: Scheme
Week 5: Scheme
Week 6: Scheme; Midterm
- Oct 27:
- Oct 29:
- Oct 31: Midterm (midterm review in sections Oct 30)
Week 7: Constraint Logic Programming
Week 8: Ruby
Week 9: Ruby
Week 10: Ruby; Java Generics
- Nov 24
- Nov 26 - probably something interesting but optional
- Nov 28 - no class - Thanksgiving
Week 11: Java Generics; Advanced OO Topics
- Dec 1
- Dec 3
- Dec 5: course summary and final exam checklist; course evaluations
Final Exam
- Dec 10: optional review session for final, 4:30-5:30, EEB 037.
- Dec 11, 8:30-10:20am, in CMU 120