CSE 341 -- Metaclasses; Empirical Studies of Smalltalk-80 Programmers

Every object in Smalltalk is an instance of some class. For example, we might have an instance p of the class Point. Or 3.14 is an instance of the class Float.

Classes in Smalltalk are objects themselves, and understand certain messages, just like any other object. One often-used message is new, to make a new instance. A variant is new: (used for e.g. the class Array). Another common kind of message is one that gets a constant, for example Float pi.

In the Smalltalk browser we can see methods that define class messages by clicking the "class" button instead of the "instance" button. Often built-in classes contain a category "examples" under the "class" messages.

Object Creation in Class-based languages

In Java, new objects are created using "new", which invokes the appropriate constructor.
   p =  new Point(10,20);
The constructor is similar to, but not the same as, an ordinary method.

Point is not itself a runtime object in Java. For example, you can't pass a class as a parameter to a method, or assign it to a variable. (Java's Reflection API does let you accomplish this, but in a less direct way.)

Let's ease toward exactly what classes are in Smalltalk-80. A bit of history: in Smalltalk-76, classes were runtime objects, and were part of the normal class-instance scheme. To make an uninitialized instance of the class Point:

p := Point new.  
p understands messages like "+" and "x" and "printOn:" The definitions of these are in the class Point, which is itself an object.

Rule: to look up a message name, look in your class. If it's there, use it; otherwise search up the superclass chain. In other words, go up exactly one instance link, and then up 0 or more superclass links.

What is the class Point? In Smalltalk-76 it was an instance of the class Class. Class is a subclass of Object, and an instance of itself. Class understands messages like "new", "instvars", and "compile:" Consequence: all classes understand the same messages!

Thus in Smalltalk-76 initialization was done like this:

  p := Point new.
  p x: 10 y: 20.
  p := Point new x: 10 y: 20.


In Smalltalk-80, the designers wanted to allow class-specific initialization messages, e.g.

  p := Point x: 10 y: 20.
To accomplish this, every class is an instance of a unique metaclass. "Point" is an instance of "Point class" (the metaclass for point). Point class defines messages such as x:y:. Another benefit of this is that it gives the programmer a place to hang constants and such, e.g. Float pi
3@4 is an instance of Point
Point is an instance of Point class
Point class is an instance of Metaclass
Metaclass is an instance of Metaclass class
Metaclass class is an instance of Metaclass
Note that this instantiation hierarchy is separate from the inheritance hierarchy:
Point -> Object -> ProtoObject
In other words:
Point is a subclass of Object
Object is a subclass of ProtoObject
Or a more deeply nested inheritance hierarchy:
Pubah -> Robot -> ImageMorph -> Morph -> Object -> ProtoObject

Inheritance (subclassing) among the metaclasses exactly mirrors the inheritance relationships among the classes. For example:

Point class -> Object class -> ProtoObject class
In other words:
Point class is a subclass of Object class
Object class is a subclass of ProtoObject class
In the Smalltalk environment, the class/instance switch in the browser lets one switch between methods the instances understand and methods the class understand (i.e. methods defined in the class and methods defined in the metaclass). The cost in confusion can be huge, though. A particular problem is that new programmers are hit over the head with this right away (unless the teacher glosses over it, which is the usual pedagogic technique).

Informal Scorecard

Benefits of Smalltalk's design: Drawbacks:

Empirical Studies on Learnability of Smalltalk-80

this is based on the paper: Alan Borning and Tim O'Shea, DeltaTalk: An Empirically and Aesthetically Motivated Simplification of the Smalltalk-80 Language, Proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, June 1987.

By far the most acute learnability issue: metaclasses.

Other issues: