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The Ullman textbook section 6.3 describes the implementation of a search tree in ML wherein the user must pass a comparison function to each tree-handling function. In class, we discussed an implementation of search trees that stores the comparison function in the tree datatype. For this question, you will write several functions for manipulating trees in the style of the tree datatype we used in class.
Consider the following datatypes:
datatype 'a BTNode = Empty | Node of 'a * 'a BTNode * 'a BTNode; datatype 'a BTree = Tree of { greaterThan:'a * 'a -> bool, equals:'a * 'a -> bool, root:'a BTNode };
and delete
functions in the textbook to use this datatype (note that we're
using greaterThan
rather than a "less than"
function, as the textbook does). Each of these functions should
return a BTree.listToTree
that uses
to produce a fresh tree from the values in
any list. The user should provide the comparison
functions.Write a curried function treeFold
that takes
three arguments: a function, a base case, and a tree; and
"folds" the tree, in a style analogous to the way
folds a list. The function should have the
(('a * 'b * 'b) -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a BTree -> 'b
Note that the first argument, a function, takes the tree's
element type ('a
) and two values that result from
folding the subtrees ('b
to implement a function
, which "flattens" trees in-order into a
list.In this section, we will use the following datatypes, which represent a subset of ML's values, declarations, and expressions:
datatype Value = Integer of int | Boolean of bool; datatype Decl = Val of string * Expr and Expr = Const of Value | Var of string | OpAdd of Expr * Expr | OpNot of Expr | OpEq of Expr * Expr | Let of Decl * Expr | If of Expr * Expr * Expr;
This datatype represents the syntax tree of expressions and declarations. For example, the expression
let val x = 4+5 in x+x end
would be represented as follows:
Let(Val("x", OpAdd(Const(Integer(4)),Const(Integer(5)))), OpAdd(Var("x"), Var("x")));
Note that we only allow normal form let-expressions, which have exactly one declaration. (It is easy to see that more general let-expressions can always be rewritten into normal form.)
Write the Expr
corresponding to the following
ML expression:
let val x = let val y = 5 in y+y end; in if x=10 then 25 else 30 end
Because we have variables, expressions can only be evaluated
in an environment; to represent environments we'll use an
association list containing string * Value
type binding = (string * Value); type environment = binding list;
of type
Environment -> string -> Value
that, given an
environment and a string, returns the value of the binding in
that list with the string. When the value is not found in the
environment, simply raise Fail "Undefined
.Write the mutually recursive functions
and declToString
translate an instance of Expr
or Decl
respectively into a string of ML code that means the same thing.
For example, given the answer you wrote for question 5, ML
should print the expression given above. Notes:
.Consider the following skeleton of an eval
function, which has type environment -> Expr ->
and evaluates expressions:
fun evalExp env (Const v) = v | evalExp env (OpAdd (e1, e2)) = (case (evalExp env e1, evalExp env e2) of (Integer i1, Integer i2) => Integer(i1 + i2) | _ => raise Fail "Adding non-ints.") | evalExp _ _ = raise Fail "Unimplemented operation";
Add cases to this function to handle all the expressions in our datatype --- i.e., variable expressions, equality testing (of compatible values), logical negation, and let-expressions. Notes:
recursive with a function declToBinding
, which
takes a declaration (e.g. the one nested in the
let-expression) and returns a binding.raise Fail "Type
s and manually compute the "right
answers" for them before you start coding.
and valueToString
also be useful as you debug your code.