CSE 341 Final Exam, Part I (Take Home), A'2003

In this part of the final exam, you'll have an opportunity to compare two of our programming languages by writing a program in each one, to solve the same problem.


Choose one of the following options


After you have written both programs, answer the following questions.
  • What is the paradigm for each of the two languages you used?
  • What language feature was most important in facilitating the solution of this problem?
  • What differences are most notable in your two solutions?
  • Does one paradigm best fit the needs of this problem? Why or why not?
  • Individual Work Policy

    Each student should do this problem without any collaboration with other students or any other people, for that matter. By making it "take-home" rather than in-class, you will have the benefit of the use of computers, books, lecture notes, and flexibility in exactly how much time you spend on it. This is not a homework problem, and therefore, you should not seek help from others if you get stuck. However, you are encouraged to use any of our course materials, or the general documentary resources of the World-Wide Web. You are expected to hold yourselves to the department's academic integrity standards. Violations are taken very seriously and can lead to expulsion from the university.

    Turn-in Instructions

    Make sure your name appears in comments in each program. Print out both programs, and print out a transcript of a session with each program to show it works as required. Print out your answers to the comparison questions, and make sure your name is on that. Staple the pages together and turn them in on Wednesday morning, Dec. 17, at 8:30 AM, at the final examination.


    This part of the Final Exam will be worth approximately 20 percent of the total.