CSE 341 -- Programming Languages
Autumn 2003
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Washington
Steve Tanimoto (instructor)
Version 1.0 of September 25 |
What is a Programming Language?
Due date and time: Friday, October 3,
2003 (in class).
Turn in this assignment as a hardcopy printout. |
Title: What is a Programming Language?
To confront the question of what a programming language is by
working briefly with one system that is on or near the "fringe."
Visit the
Data Factory web page.
Try downloading and running
the Even-Odd sorter factory and then the Fibonacci sequence generator.
If you run into any problems, check the class mailing list, and
if your question hasn't already been answered there, ask it there.
Next create your own Data Factory program that does the following:
generates a stream of numbers in the range 1 to 12 that
show how the clock counts hours: 1, 2, 3, ..., 11, 12, 1, 2,...
The number should feed into a "display" device.
Save your solution using the File menu's Save As option.
Then create a screen snapshot of your factory layout, with the
sorted data showing. You can do this by first using the
MS-Windows operation Capture the Screen Onto the Clipboard.
Then open up Microsoft Paint and Paste the clipboard contents
into a Paint canvas. You can select the desired part of the picture
using the Selection tool. Then copy to the clipboard, begin a new
image and paste the clipboard contents into that new image.
Save your .BMP file in case you need it again. Then print the
screenshot, put your name on it, and turn that in
with the rest of this assignment.
Answer the following questions and turn these in with the
rest of the assignment.
(1) What facilities does the Data Factory offer for specifying
"arithmetic expressions?"
(2) Is there any kind of storage or variable in the Data Factory?
If so, where?
(3) In what ways is creating a data factory layout like
computer programming?
(4) Is the Data Factory's way of expressing computations
a programming language? Why or why not?
Scoring for this assignment: 9 points for turning in
an acceptable screen shot. 4 points each for
answering the questions. Total: 25 points.