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Administrative info

I am Keunwoo Lee (pronounced /ke . noo/, or "canoe", rhymes with "GNU"). For most purposes, I am klee@cs.

When I was an undergrad, I interned at a web development company (ah, the hale old days of 1997) and hence most everything I do (including these section notes) will be linked somewhere on the course web page.

The one thing to take special note of is the URL for my anonymous feedback form:


This form is run by the University, and there is really no way I can trace anything you submit back to you. Therefore, although I am not generally vindictive, you can submit anything that you do not wish to say in person or via email using this form. If this section isn't working out for you and you never speak up, then you have only yourself to blame.

My office hours will be on the course web also, once I figure out when they will be.

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Last modified: Wed Jan 9 22:30:05 PST 2002