CSE 341 -- Static and Dynamic Scoping

Scope rules define the visibility rules for names in a programming language. What if you have references to a variable named k in different parts of the program? Do these refer to the same variable or to different ones?

Languages such as Algol, Ada, C, Pascal and Scheme are statically scoped. A block defines a new scope. Variables can be declared in that scope, and aren't visible from the outside. However, variables outside the scope -- in enclosing scopes -- are visible unless they are overridden (shadowed). In Algol and Pascal (but not C or Ada) these scope rules also apply to the names of functions and procedures.

Static scoping is also sometimes called lexical scoping.

Static Scoping Examples

(define m 50)
(define n 100)

(define (hardy)
   (display (list "In Hardy, n=" n))

(define (laurel n)
   (display (list "In Laurel, m=" m))
   (display (list "In Laurel, n=" n))

(laurel 1)
in main program -- n = 100
in laurel -- m = 50
in laurel -- n = 1
in hardy -- n = 100  (called from laurel)
in hardy -- n = 100  (called from main)
Here's a more complicated example:
(define foo 100)

(define (operate-on op num)
  (op num foo))
(define (addup foo)
  (operate-on (lambda (x y) (+ foo x y)) 6))

(addup 10)  => 116  

Dynamic Scoping

Some languages also support dynamic scoping. Using this scoping rule, we first look for a local definition of a variable. If it isn't found, we look up the calling stack for a definition. Dynamic scoping was the norm in versions of Lisp before Common Lisp, and is also used in some older, interpreted languages such as SNOBOL and APL.

We can declare a variable as dynamically scoped in Lisp using defvar. Example:

;; Repeat the  examples above, but assume
;; that Scheme is dynamically scoped.

Scopes and Procedures

In Algol, Pascal, Simula, Ada, and other languages in the Algol family, you can also nest procedure and function declarations inside of other procedure and function declarations. The same static scope rules apply.

(define m 100)
(define n 200)

(define (dog n)
  (define (cat)
     (display (list "In cat, n=" n))
  (display (list "In dog m/n=" m n))

(dog 1)
Here's an example in Pascal:
integer m, n;

procedure laurel(n: integer);
    procedure hardy;
	print("in hardy -- n = ", n);

    print("in laurel -- m = ", m);
    print("in laurel -- n = ", n);

m := 50;
n := 100;
print("in main program -- n = ", n);
/* we can't call hardy here, since the name isn't visible */

Nesting procedures inside of other procedures interacts in interesting ways with recursion:

integer global, n;

procedure laurel(n: integer);
   procedure hardy;

   if n<4 then laurel(n+1);
          else hardy;

global := 99;
n := 100;
Here the output is:
Scheme example:
(define global 99)
(define n 100)

(define (laurel n)
  (define (hardy)
    (display global)
    (display n)
  (if (< n 4) (laurel (+ n 1))

(laurel 1)
Note that when we finally call hardy, there are 5 different n's on the stack: the global one (with value 100), then 4 different invocations of laurel (with n=1, n=2, n=3, and n=4).

Procedures as Parameters

In Algol, Pascal, and Lisp, you can pass procedures or functions as parameters. To pass a procedure as a parameter, the system passes a closure: a reference to the procedure body along with a pointer to the environment of definition of the procedure.

  procedure test(n: integer, p: procedure);

    procedure rose;
      print("in procedure rose -- n="); print(n);

    print("in procedure test -- n="); print(n);
    if n<10 then
        if n=3 then test(n+1,rose) else test(n+1,p)

  procedure violet;
    print("in procedure violet"); 



Scheme example: (define (test n p) (define (rose) (display (list "In rose, n=" n)) (newline)) (display (list "In test, n=" n)) (newline) (p) (if (< n 5) (if (= n 3) (test (+ n 1) rose) (test (+ n 1) p)))) (define (violet) (display (list "In violet")) (newline)) (test 1 violet) Output:
(In test, n= 1)
(In violet)
(In test, n= 2)
(In violet)
(In test, n= 3)
(In violet)
(In test, n= 4)
(In rose, n= 3)
(In test, n= 5)
(In rose, n= 3)

In Algol and Pascal, we can only pass procedures in as parameters -- we can't return a procedure or a function as a value from another function. We can do this in Scheme, however -- it means that Lisp can't always use a stack for storage allocation for local variables.

Blocks in Smalltalk also are lexically scoped, and include their environment of definition. Blocks can be returned from methods, assigned to global variables, and so forth -- so that storage for local variables can't always be allocated on a stack in Smalltalk either.


| a sum |
a := Array new: 3.
a at: 1 put: 10.  a at: 2 put: 20.  a at: 3 put: 30.
sum := 0.
a do: [:n | sum := sum+n].

More complicated examples: suppose we evaluate the following Smalltalk code.

(define x 100)

(define (make-incrementer x)
  (lambda (q) (+ q x)))

(defun test (p x)
  (p x))

(define add10 (make-incrementer 10))
(add10 x)
(test add10 20)

;; smalltalk:

| k |
B1 := [k].
B2 := [:n | k := n+2].
k := 100.
After we do this, the two global variables B1 and B2 are bound to blocks. The local variable k is no longer visible, but is still accessible and is shared by the two blocks. So B1 value will return 100. If we evaluate B2 value: 5, this will assign 7 to k. After that evaluating B1 value will return 7.