Polymorphism roughly means "many forms." Used in the context of functions and types, it refers to functions that can accept arguments of different types. Remember that ML is statically/strongly typed, which means that it must be able to fully type check a piece of code before executing it. This does not mean, however, that we can't define functions whose types are partially or completely flexible. Here is the most basic polymorphic function:
- fun identity(x) = x; val identity = fn: 'a -> 'aML responds to this function definition that identity is a function that maps elements of any type to elements of that same type. ML makes use of type variables like 'a, 'b, 'c to refer to types of "any" type. The same symbol is used for types that are known to be identical (even though ML doesn't know what particular type they are).
fun append (nil, y) = y | append (x::xs, y) = x::append(xs, y); val append = fn: 'a list * 'a list -> 'a listWe can roughly see how the type inference works: From the first pattern, we see that the first argument must be a list. From the first return expression, we see that the result type must be the same as the type of the "second" argument (y). At this point, ML knows that the type of the first argument is 'a list, the type of the second argument is 'b, and the result type is 'b. At this stage, ML only knows that the type profile is 'a list * 'b -> 'b. Now, looking at the second line, we see from the result expression that an item of type 'a is being "consed" onto the recursive call of append. This lets ML conclude that 'b must be a 'a list, and it concludes that the type profile of append is 'a list * 'a list -> 'a list.
The below definition of append is only polymorphic over lists composed of equality types. Contrast this with the above append, which is polymorphic over lists composed of any types. In practice, this is not a huge deal, but it is another good reason to use pattern matching when possible.
fun append(x,y) = if x=nil then y else hd(x)::append(tl(x),y); val append = fn: ''a list * ''a list -> ''a list
fun map (f, nil) = nil | map (f, x::xs) = f(x)::map(f, xs); val map = fn : ('a -> 'b) * 'a list -> 'b list fun square (x:int) = x*x; val square = fn: int -> int fun squareList (L) = map(square, L); val squareList = fn: int list -> int list
Reduce takes a binary function, a base value, and a list, and returns the result of applying the function "between" each list element, with the base value handling the empty list case.
fun reduce (f, base, nil) = base | reduce (f, base, x::xs) = f(x, reduce(f, base, xs)); val reduce = ('a * 'b -> 'b) * 'b * 'a list -> 'b fun sumList (L) = reduce(op +, 0, L); val sumList = fn: int list -> int fun concatList (L) = reduce (op ^, "", L); val concatList = fn: string list -> stringNote that we use the keyword
to take built-in infix
operators and pass them as prefix functions to a higher order function
like reduce. There are variations on the above reduce function. For
instance, try writing a reduce that combines its operands from left to
right rather than right to left (as the above definition does).
Filter takes a predicate (a function that returns a boolean value) function and a list of values and returns the list of values which satisfy the predicate.
fun filter (f, nil) = nil | filter (f, x::xs) = if f(x) then x::filter(f, xs) else filter(f,xs); val filter = fn : ('a -> bool) * 'a list -> 'a list
(* get all the positive integers in a list *) fun positives (L) = filter(fn(x) => x>0, L); (* raise every element in a list to a power *) fun toPower(L, n) = map(fn(x) => pow(x,n), L);Now that we know how to define anonymous functions, we see that the fun keyword is just syntactic sugar for naming an anonymous function:
(* the following are equivalent *) fun square (x:int) = x*x; val square = fn(x:int) => x*x; (* to define recursive functions we use the keyword "rec" *) fun pow (x, n) = if n=0 then 1 else x*pow(x, n-1); val rec pow = fn(x,n) => if n=0 then 1 else x*pow(x, n-1); (* applying an anonymous function: *) (fn(x)=>x+1) 10; val it = 11: int
fun makeInc (by:int) = fn(x) => x+by; val makeInc = fn : int -> int -> int fun compose (f, g) = fn(x) => f(g(x)); val compose = fn : ('a -> 'b) * ('c -> 'a) -> 'c -> 'b val incBy10 = makeInc(10); val incBy10 = fn : int -> intAbove, we see that makeInc is a function that returns another function. Reading its type profile, we see that it is a function that takes an int, and returns a function which maps integers to integers (we know this because -> associates right to left).
fun cmap (f) = let fun temp(nil) = nil | temp(x::xs) = f(x) :: temp(xs) in temp end; fun pow (x) = (* less readable way to write a curried function *) fn(0) => 1 | (n) => x * pow x (n-1);The above method for defining curried functions is pretty ugly, especially when they take more than two arguments. ML allows us to write curried functions easily by just separating the formals by spaces (rather than making the function take a tuple). Curried functions are called with spaces separating the arguments, rather than passing them a tuple of the arguments.
(* The shorthand for defining a curried power function *) fun pow x 0 = 1 | pow x n = x * pow x (n-1); (* The shorthand way to defined a curried map: *) fun cmap f nil = nil | cmap f (x::xs) = f x :: cmap f xs; val cmap = fn : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list (* Shorthand for a curried reduce *) fun creduce f base nil = base | creduce f base (x::xs) = f(x, creduce f base xs); val creduce = fn : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'bThe nice thing about curried functions is that we can partially instantiate them to create other interesting functions. This is something we can't do when a function takes a tuple, because we need to know all of the arguments when we call the function. We partially instantiate a curried function by passing it just some of its parameters (often just the first one), and using the resulting function in some other computation. (It is only possible to partially instantiate functions starting from the left in the argument list, however.)
val listInc = cmap(fn(x) => x+1); val listInc = fn: int list -> int list val powOf2 = pow 2; val powOf2 = fn: int -> int listInc([1,2,3]); val it = [2,3,4] : int list powOf2 10; val it = 1024 : int
dugan@cs.washington.edu (Last Update: )