Midterm 1: Solution

(1.) [5 points total] For the following Scheme expressions, show how the result prints out. If the expression results in a run-time error, say why.

  1. (car (+ 1 2) (* 3 4))

    => Error! car expects a list.

  2. (cons (+ 1 2) '(- 3 4))

    => (3 - 3 4) ;; not (3 -3 4) !!

  3. (append '(1 2) (reverse '(3 4))))

    => (1 2 4 3)

  4. (map (lambda (x) (>= x 10)) '(11 10 9 5 15 6 0))

    => (#t #t #f #f #t #f #f)

  5. (list 3 (cdr 1 2))

    => Error! cdr expects a list!

(2.) [5 points] True / False

FALSE When garbage-collecting large objects, copy-collectors are preferable to mark-sweep collectors.
TRUE Mark-sweep collectors tend to fragment heap memory.
FALSE Scheme is dynamically typed, meaning that it cannot be strongly typed.
TRUE C is an example of a statically typed language.
FALSE In a C program, space for local variables is allocated in the static region of program memory.

(3.) [5 points] Short Answer. Answer ONLY one of the below. Correct, concise answers will be rewarded.

  1. Describe three (3) salient differences between Scheme and another programming language of your choice (eg. C, C++, Java). One sentence per difference should suffice.

    ANSWER: C is statically typed; Scheme is dynamically typed. C is weakly typed; Scheme is strongly typed. C forces the programmer to manage their own dynamic memory; Scheme does this for you via garbage collection. C supports passing functions as pointers to functions; but Scheme provides more generality by supporting functions as first-class citizens, meaning they can be generated, passed, and returned by/to/from other functions.

  2. Define tail recursion and give an example of a function that is non-tail-recursive AND then show a tail-recursive version of that function.

    A tail recursive function simply performs a recursive call on a smaller version of the problem; it doesn't need to wait around for a recursive call to return, like augmenting recursion does. Example:

    ;; non-tail-recursive length
    (define (length x)
      (cond ((null? x) 0)
            (#T (+ 1 (length (cdr x))))))
    ;; tail recursive length
    (define (length x result)
      (cond ((null? x) result)
            (#T (length (cdr x) (+ 1 result)))))
  3. Dr. Dweezel has developed a copy-collected heap. He claims that it actually allocates memory faster than the standard (programmer-managed) heap used in a language such as C. Is he correct? Why? (HINT: There are interpretations of his claim that make it either true or false. Choose one and defend it.)

    In the common case, he is correct. A copy-collected heap always knows exactly where to allocate the next object (at the "top" of the heap). The typical C heap becomes fragmented after a succession of malloc/free calls, meaning that it must search for a free-block that is a good fit for the requested blocksize.

    In the uncommon case, he is incorrect. Every now and then, the copy-collected heap will run out of room and actually do a collection (which will certainly take a while!). Perhaps a better question is: What is the AVERAGE time PER allocation. In this case, the C heap would generally win out.

(4.) [7 points total] For each of the following Scheme expressions, show how the result prints out AND also draw the cons-cell box and pointer diagram of the result. For example, for (list 1 2 3) I would answer:

(1 2 3)


'(((foo)) bar) => (((foo)) bar)

(list (cons (+ 1 2) ()) 'foo) => ((3) foo)


(let* ((x '(3 4))
       (y (cons '(1 2) x))
       (z '(4 5 6)))
   (list (+ (car x) (car (cdr y))) 
         (+ (car (cdr x)) (car (cdr (cdr z)))))) => (6 10)

(5.) [7 points] Write a function called char-count, which takes list of symbols. It returns a list of the lengths of the symbols in the original list. The function must be written recursively and cannot make use of any of Scheme's higher-order functions such as map. You should use the built-in functions symbol->string and string-length to determine the length of a symbol. Here are some examples:

(symbol->string 'foobar)                     => "foobar"
(string-length (symbol->string 'foobar))     => 6
(char-count '(Hello there my name is Bob))   => (5 5 2 4 2 3)

(define (char-count x)
  (cond ((null? x) x)
        (#T (cons (string-length (symbol->string (car x)))
                  (char-count (cdr x))))))

(6.) [7 points] Write count-chars again, this time using map. You must use a lambda expression (do not define extraneous helper functions).

(define (char-count x)
  (map (lambda (sym) (string-length (symbol->string sym)) x))

(7.) [7 points] If we represent documents in Scheme as lists of lists of symbols (where each inner list is a sentence), write a function called stats that takes a "document" and returns a list containing three items: total number of characters, total number of words, and total number of lines. For example, the below "document" contains 33 characters, 9 words, and 4 sentences.

HINTS: If you leverage char-count, as well as reduce, append, and length, this function is quick to write! If you couldn't write char-count, assume it's defined for you.

(stats '((Dear Sue) (I am learning Scheme) (See ya) (Bill)))  => (33 9 4)

(define (stats document)
  (let ((flat-doc (reduce append () document))) ; remove sentence structure
     (reduce + 0 (char-count flat-doc))   ; sum the lengths of the words
     (length flat-doc)                    ; count the number of words
     (length document))))                 ; count the number of sentences

(8.) [7 points] Write a function called map2, that takes three arguments: a function (which takes two arguments) and two lists. map2 should return a list that consists of the provided function applied to the corresponding elements of the two lists. Example:
(map2 (lambda (x y) (+ 1 (* x y))) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))   => (5 11 19)

;; assumes the lists are of equal length...
(define (map2 f x y)
  (cond ((null? x) x)
        (#T (cons (f (car x) (car y)) (map2 f (cdr x) (cdr y))))))