This Midterm is worth 60 points. The exam is closed-book, closed-notes, open-mind.
Page | Possible | Score |
2 | 10 | |
3 | 10 | |
4 | 10 | |
5 | 10 | |
6 | 10 | |
7 | 10 | |
Total | 60 |
For the purposes of this exam, assume the following functions are
defined for you.
val map = fn : ('a -> 'b) * 'a list -> 'b list val reduce = fn : ('a * 'b -> 'b) * 'b * 'a list -> 'b (* Return a list of elements that pass the provided predicate test. *) val filter = fn : ('a -> bool) * 'a list -> 'a list (* Return the greater of two provided integers. *) val Int.max = fn : int * int -> int (* Take a string and return it as a list of characters. *) val explode = fn : string -> char list
General note for type inference problems: this page was graded from 0 to 10 on a 14-point scale. In other words, the ML pseudocode for mapping from points to grade was: fun grade(points) = case points of 14 => 10 13 => 9 ... 5 => 1 _ => 0; If you scored less than 4 points out of 14 and would prefer to get negative points rather than zero, contact Ben. fun compose(f, g, x) = f(g(x)); ('b -> 'c) * ('a -> 'b) * 'a -> 'c fun average(x, y) = x + y / 2.0; real * real -> real fun circumference(r) = 2 * r * 3.14; Type error: cannot unify real with int. fun bar(a, b, c) = [a, b + hd(c)]; int * int * int list -> int list The + operator forces numeric type. However, I would have given full credit if you said that op + was an unresolved overload (not SML/NJ's behavior, but probably what the ML97 spec mandates), but nobody did. fun why(nil) = nil | why((a,b)::xs) = (a+b) :: why(xs); (int * int) list -> int list Once again, + operator induces numeric type, and I would have given credit for saying it was an overload error. fun everyOther(nil) = nil | everyOther(f, a::b::xs) = f(a) :: everyOther(xs); Type error; cannot unify function cases: 'a list -> 'b list ('a -> 'b) * 'a list -> 'b list Worth 2 pts; partial credit for deriving the correct type for the second case. Full credit was given if you pointed out that the two cases do not unify, and then derived the correct type for the second case. fun curriedArea width height = width * height; int -> int -> int fun weird x z = [x, tl(z)]; 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list list Informal reasoning: + z must be a list, because of tl(z) + x must be a list of the same type as z, because of [x, tl(z)] + The result type is a list of lists, because x and tl(z) are both lists.
ML is statically typed, meaning that it performs its type checking operations (most of them) at compile time. Scheme, on the other hand, type checks operations as they occur (at run time), which leads to slower execution times.
Pattern matching is (often) easier to read, and provides named access to components of a datatype. Most importantly, however, it encourages a style of programming that is less error-prone than using accessor functions. By enumerating the various patterns, we express the different cases that we must handle. The system will even warn us when presented with a sequence of nonexhaustive patterns -- encouraging us to deal with other cases we may have forgotten.
Type checking: Scheme is dynamically, strongly typed. ML is statically, strongly typed. Control abstractions: both languages rely heavily on recursion, and treat functions as first-class citizens. ML has a well-defined exception mechanism, whereas Scheme doesn't define one as part of the language (there are facilities to implement it, but no standard implementation). Data abstractions: provide and use lists. ML lists are homogeneous in type, whereas Scheme's need not be. ML provides a rich set of mechanisms for information hiding (signatures), encapsulation (structures), and user-defined types (datatypes).
3.1)(a, [b, c], d) and ("hello", [7, 8], [1, 2])
3.2)[a, b::c] and [[1, 2], [3]]
that takes a list of strings and concatenates them together. Recall
that the ^ operator can be used to concatenate two strings.
> concatList(["hello" "goobye" "foobar"]); val it = "hellogoodbyefoobar"; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Several answers possible. The most common: fun concatList(nil) = "" | concatList(x::xs) = x ^ concatList(xs); fun concatList strList = reduce((op ^), "", strList) I did not take off points if you thought reduce was a curried function.(5.) [7 points] Write a function called
that takes two strings, and returns true iff the first string is found
somewhere within the second string. Hint: Use the built-in function
to turn strings into lists of characters. The expected
type profile and some examples are shown below:
> search; val it = fn : string * string -> bool > search("bok", "hoboken"); val it = true; > search("art", "barbar") val it = false; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Many solutions possible. Grading scale: 7 : Correct ML code that solves the problem 6 : Correct ML code that solves the problem, with one minor error. 5 : Correct ML code that works, as long as the substring match occurs at the first occurrence in the second sentence of the first string's first letter. If I wrote search("hi", "hellohi") on your paper, then you are in this category. If you want to know what this means, then try running your algorithm on the above function application. 4 : Like (5), but with some additional minor error. 3 : Either + Code with serious indications/beginnings of a semi-plausible but incorrect algorithm, + At least one significant conceptual error (misunderstanding ML) 2 : Called explode on both strings, and began to break the problem down into cases, but no indication that you knew how to solve the cases. Or, totally bizarre algorithm that I could not decipher. 1 : Called explode correctly on both strings. 0 : Blank answer.
structure BankAccount : sig (* An Account is a tuple of a name and a balance *) datatype Account = Account of string * real exception NoFunds (* Given an Account, return its balance. *) val balance : Account -> real (* Given an Account, return the owner's name. *) val name : Account -> string (* Create a new Account with the given owner, and zero funds. *) val newAccount : string -> Account (* Deposit this amount into the given Account. *) val deposit : real * Account -> Account (* Withdraw this amount from the given Account. Raises NoFunds if there is not enough money. *) val withdraw : real * Account -> Account end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Almost everyone scored well on this, so I will describe only the decrement values (sum the decrement values and subtract from 10 to obtain your score): -2 : Forgetting to raise NoFunds. This was the only even moderately dif -1 : Omitting indication that code should be in a struct -3 : Not understanding how to pattern-match on the constructor of a datatype. If you failed at this, you did not do your own homework, and I would have taken off many more points if the wording of the question had not said that BankAccount is a tuple of a string and a real. -1 : Using an int literal instead of a real literal. Miscellaneous less common errors also yielded decrements.
which can be used to represent expression trees.
Your job is to write the following:
) which
represents the expression 3 + 4 * 7. (For full credit, the tree
should represent the fact that * has higher precedence than +.)
, which evaluates an
expression tree. It takes a Tree and returns an integer.
, which takes a Tree and
returns an integer that is the height of that tree.
datatype Tree = Leaf of int | Add of Tree * Tree | Sub of Tree * Tree | Mult of Tree * Tree | Div of Tree * Tree; (* answer *) val tree = Add(Leaf(3), Mult(Leaf(4), Leaf(7))); fun eval(Leaf(x)) = x | eval(Add(x, y)) = eval(x) + eval(y) | eval(Sub(x, y)) = eval(x) - eval(y) | eval(Div(x, y)) = eval(x) div eval(y) | eval(Mult(x, y)) = eval(x) * eval(y); fun height(Leaf(x)) = 1 | height(Add(x, y)) = Int.max(height(x), height(y)) + 1 | height(Sub(x, y)) = Int.max(height(x), height(y)) + 1 | height(Div(x, y)) = Int.max(height(x), height(y)) + 1 | height(Mult(x, y)) = Int.max(height(x), height(y)) + 1;(8.) [3 points] Give just the the definition for a generalized tree datatype. Nodes in a generalized tree may have any number of children. The labels/elements of your tree should be of any type.
datatype 'a gtree = Node of 'a * 'a gtree list; There were other solutions that were acceptable, but for full credit, we were looking some sort of node with a _list_ of children, as well as a parameterization of the element type.