Characteristics of Smalltalk-72:
fred move up x inches
Smalltalk influenced the development of other object-oriented languages, such as C++, Objective C, CLOS, and our own Cecil and Kaleidoscope languages, as well as others.
Date today Time now hours Array new someCollection copy
Array new: 10 someArray at: 1 put: 54 anArray at: 1
5 * 9 3 + 2 * 5
Note that we will very frequently be composing messages -- for example
Time now hours + 1First sends the message
to the class Time
which returns the current time (an instance of Time). We then send this
object the message hours
, which returns an integer. Then we
send the message +
with the argument 1 to this integer,
returning another integer (which will be the current hour plus 1).
Object subclass: #Stack instanceVariableNames: 'store top ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Stacks' push: item top := top+1. store at: top put: item pop | item | item := store at: top. top := top-1. ^ item setsize: n store := Array new: n. top := 0.Adding error checking and growing:
push: item | oldStore | top := top+1. top > store size ifTrue: "store is about to overflow. make a new array twice as big, and copy the old values into it" [oldStore := store. store := Array new: 2 * oldStore size. 1 to: oldStore size do: [:k | store at: k put: (oldStore at: k)]]. store at: top put: item pop | item | self isEmpty ifTrue: [self error: 'trying to pop an empty stack']. item := store at: top. top := top-1. ^ item isEmpty ^ top=0
In Smalltalk, everything is an object, and classes act as descriptions of objects. Classes are used to define the set of messages an instance of that class responds to, as well as the variables contained in every instance of that class. In the below example, we define a class Vehicle. Instances of this class have one instance variables, called passengers. Instances also respond to four messages.
Object subclass: #Vehicle instanceVariables: 'passengers ' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Tests' passengers ^passengers addPassenger: aPerson passengers add: aPerson removePassenger: aPerson passengers remove: aPerson init passengers := OrderedCollection new.
Vehicle subclass: #Bus instanceVariables: 'route' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: Tests' route: r route := r route ^route init super init. "make sure inherited variables are initialized" self route: 0 "could also just say route := 0"Instances of the class Bus understand the above three methods, in addition to those inherited from Vehicle. Note that Bus overrides the init method. The above example also introduces two important pseudo variables, self and super. Self is used when an object wishes to refer to itself, and super is used to refer to the superclass of the object.
B := Bus new. B init. B addPassenger: P.Remember that the new method asks the class Bus (which is an object) to give us an instance of the Bus class, so B is an instance of Bus. What happens when B is sent the init message? Method lookup in Smalltalk proceeds as follows: When a message is sent, methods in the receiver's class are searched for a matching method. If no match is found, the superclass is searched, and so on up the superclass chain. This means we find the init defined in Bus. We then send super the message init. This directs Smalltalk to begin the lookup in the superclass of the class containing the method in which super is used (this is not always the same as the class of class of the receiver!) This causes the init defined in Vehicle to be executed. Next, we send self the message route:, which means that the receiver (B) is sent the route: message. A message sent to self always causes the method lookup to begin at the instance of the object, regardless of where self is being referenced.
| c1 c2 x | x := 0. c1 := [ x := x+1 ]. "c1 is a block" c2 := [ :i | x := x+i ]. "c2 is a block w/ one parm" c1 value. "evaluate c1" c2 value: 20. "evaluate c2, with the argument 20" " now x equals 21... "We use square brackets to define a block. The names before the | in the block are parameters to the block (they must start with a colon). We can send a block the value message to force it to evaluate itself.
True printOn: stream stream nextPutAll: 'true' & b "evaluating and" ^ b | b "evaluating or" ^ true not ^ false and: block "short-circuit and" ^ block value or: block "short-circuit or" ^ trueGiven the above definitions, you can imagine what the parallel methods for False objects look like...
False printOn: stream stream nextPutAll: false' & b "evaluating and" ^ false "etc etc etc"
(3=4) & (2>1) (3=4) | (2>1) (3=2) not true & false not (3=4) and: [(1/0) = 8]
True ifTrue: block ^ block value ifFalse: block ^ nil ifTrue: tBlock ifFalse: fBlock ^ tBlock value False ifTrue: block ^ nil ifFalse: block ^ block value ifTrue: tBlock ifFalse: fBlock ^ fBlock value
3=4 ifTrue: [x := 10]. x=y ifTrue: [x := 8] ifFalse: [x := 9]. x := x=y ifTrue: [8] ifFalse: [9].
a := 1. [a < 10] whileTrue: [Transcript show: a. a := a+1]. a := 1. [a > 10] whileFalse: [Transcript show: a. a := a+1]. 1 to: 10 do: [:x | Transcript show: x].to: is a message understood by numbers. It creates an Interval (which is essentially a collection of numbers), which can then be iterated over, by the general purpose iterator do:. We'll see more examples of do: later, when we talk about the Collection hierarchy.
How to define whileTrue (not really done this way, though):
Block whileTrue: otherBlock self value ifTrue: [otherBlock value. self whileTrue: otherBlock]. whileFalse: otherBlock self value ifFalse: [otherBlock value. self whileTrue: otherBlock].
Collection add: newObject "add newObject to the receiver" addAll: aCollection "add all objects in collection to the receiver" remove: oldObject "remove oldObject from the receiver, report error if not found" remove: oldObject ifAbsent: aBlock "remove oldObject from receiver, evaluate aBlock if not found" removeAll: aCollection "remove all elements in aCollection from receiver" isEmpty "answer whether receiver is empty" size "answer the number of elements in the receiver"
Collection do: aBlock "evaluate aBlock for each element" collect: aBlock "like Scheme map -- make a new collection by applying aBlock to each element and collecting the results" select: aBlock "answer a new collection of the elements that pass the test" reject: aBlock "answer a new collection of the elements that fail the test" inject: startValue into: binaryBlock "like reduce in Scheme" detect: aBlock "like find-if in Scheme, answer the first element that passes the test"Here are examples of how we might implement some of these methods: (They are implemented in Collection, which is an abstract class, and inherited by concrete classes such as OrderedCollection).
collect: aBlock | newCollection | "make a new collection of the same class as me" newCollection := self class new. self do: [:x | newCollection add: (aBlock value: x)]. ^ newCollection select: aBlock | newCollection | "make a new collection of the same class as me" newCollection := self class new. self do: [:x | (aBlock value: x) ifTrue: [newCollection add: x]]. ^ newCollection inject: startValue into: binaryBlock | result | result := startValue. self do: [:x | result := binaryBlock value: result value: x]. ^ result
a := #(3 4 5 6). "an array literal" "this is the same as a := Array new: 4. a at: 1 put: 3. a at: 2 put: 4. etc. " a collect: [:j | j+10] "this returns (13 14 15 16)" a select: [:j | j>4] "this returns (5 6)" a inject: 0 into: [:a :b | a+b] "this returns 18"