CSE 341 - Project Demo/Interview Schedule

Thu 06 Jun 2002
08:30 to 10:30 am
Sieg 232

ALL TEAM MEMBERS are required to be present for demo/interview. Harr and Ken will each be conducting demo/interviews so we can see all of the teams in two hours.

On demo day, you MUST be ready to demo on time. This means you should arrive well in advance of your demo and set up a machine to be ready to go. (Harr and Ken will move from machine to machine for the demo/interviews.) Please do not plan on having more than a few minutes to show off your program, in order to leave time for discussing design and implementation. We need your complete cooperation to ensure we don't slip behind schedule.

time   Group A                Group B
08:30  Dragon Hunters	      
08:40  JCraft                 Team Metaball
08:50                         Dialectic
09:00  J Team		      
09:10  "A, eh?"               You Better Eat Your Wheaties
09:20  Vociferous!!           Mighty Mighty Squeakers
09:30  uosdwiS r dewoH        Crab Bisc
09:40  Team Indie Rock        Team Risun
09:50  Group #1               Tetrominoes
10:00  Mightly Joxxle Duo     Software Builders
10:20  Dream Team             Group 3