Due June 3, at the beginning of class. Please submit all of your function definitions in one code file and your testing output in a separate file. Use comments to clearly indicate which problem number each section of code/output matches. In your tests, be sure and exercise the boundary cases as well as the normal ones. For example, try finding the mean of an empty list, and a list of one number, as well as a list of several numbers; or for duplicate, duplicate something 0 times as well as several.
The purpose of this assignment is to have you gain some experience with Scheme, in particular with Scheme's code/data equivalence. The first two questions are intentionally analogous to those on the Miranda warm-up, to give a comparison of the two languages.
(duplicate 3 "squid") => ("squid" "squid" "squid") (duplicate 0 #t) => ()
Write and test a set of Scheme functions to do algebraic simplification of arithmetic expressions. You should perform the following simplifications. In the rules below x is an arbitrary expression. These rules are given in infix notation, but your Scheme functions should manipulate expressions using Scheme's expression syntax.
Test your function on the following inputs, plus others if appropriate. The correct output is also shown here.
(simplify '(+ 2 3)) => 5 (simplify '(+ 0 x)) => x (simplify '(* x 0)) => 0 (simplify '(* 5 6)) => 30 (simplify '(* 1 (* x y))) => (* x y) (simplify '(+ x (* (+ 2 4) (* 3 3)))) => (+ x 54) (simplify '(* 1 (+ (+ x 0) (* x 0)))) => x
You can also check that your simplifications are working correctly by giving the variables values and using eval on the original and simplified expressions. For example:
(define x 5) (define y 10) (eval '(* x (+ y 0)) user-initial-environment) => 50 (eval (simplify '(* x (+ y 0))) user-initial-environment) => 50(Make sure you understand why this works.)
To help you get started, the Scheme functions that perform the simplifications for + are in the file ~borning/scheme/simplify.scm on the instructional UNIX hosts. You can copy this file to your own directory, try it on some problems just involving + to make sure it's working, and edit as needed.
Your program should be written in a purely functional style, with no side effects. (The starting file mentioned above is in this style.)