CSE 341 -- Programming Languages

Autumn 2002

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington

Steve Tanimoto (instructor)

Assignment 3

Version 0.1 of October 23 (Subject to Change)

One ml of ML 

Due date and time: Thursday, November 7, 2002 (at the beginning of section).

Turn-in instructions will be announced later.


Title: One ml of ML

Purposes: 1. Get an exposure to ML. 2. Get insight into ML's type facilities.

Part A (Individual Work) Display the online document "A Gentle Introduction to ML" by Andrew Cumming. Read Lesson 1 and Lesson 2.
Make up an expression that will evaluate to...

  • A real number expressing the volume of a pyramid in terms of its height and the area of its base.
  • A tuple representing representing your last name, first name, day, month, and year of birth (two strings and three ints).
  • A list representing the nine planets of the solar system (from Mercury to Pluto) as strings.
  • A function that takes a list of four numbers (x1, y1, x2, y2) that represent a line segment and returns the the length of the line segment.
  • A function makequadraticevaluator that accepts three real numbers a, b, and c and returns a function that takes one argument, x, and returns the value of
     ax + bx + c.

    Part B (Group Work)
  • Write a function permutations that takes a list of elements (of any type) and returns a list of all the permutations of the original list. Apply it to the problem of finding all possible dining sequences for a meal that includes salad, turkey, and pie. Then use it to generate all permutations of {0, 1, 2, 3}
  • Next, use your permutations function to enumerate all possible tours for a travelling salesman problem expressed as a list of 2D points. Here is an example list: [[23.0,4.2],[38.3,5.8],[31.2,7.6],[27.9,4.9]]. Each point has an x-coordinate and a y-coordinate.
  • Assume that the distance between two points is the Euclidean distance:
                                     2          2
    d((x ,y ),(x ,y )) = sqrt((x -x )  + (y -y ) )
        1  1    2  2            1  2       1  2
    Finally, compute the length of each tour by mapping the distance function onto the list of permutations and finding the minimum-length tour.