Peer Evaluation Form – CSE 341 Group projects (Dec 9, 2002).


Project team members: ______________________________________________________________



Project title: ___________________________________________________


Programming approach (Circle all that apply):

    rule-based,   by-demonstration,  textual language,  visual control flow,

    Visual data flow, other:_________


A new  programming language :                (4) design is clear,

                                                                    (2) some design but no details,

                                                                    (0) no design.


Means for user to input/edit the program:  (4) working,

                                                                    (3) partly working,

                                                                    (2) not working but design clear,

(1)     not working and some design,

(0)     not working and no design.


Control structures demonstrated:                (1) sequences of operations OR nested expressions,

  (circle all that apply)                                 (1) conditional execution,

                                                                    (1) looping or recursion,

(1) user-defined functions (or subprograms) and calling

(1) rule firing and action execution,

(0) none of these were demonstrated.


Means to execute the program:                  (4) working,

                                                                    (3) partly working,

                                                                    (2) not working but design clear,

(1) not working and some design,

(0) not working and no design.


Other features:   animation,  saving and loading,  multi-user,  multiple implementation languages,

                          Client & server code,  other (specify) ___________________  (2 points each) subtotal: ___


Total points: _________


Special strengths: _________________________________________________________________


Weaknesses: _________________________________________________


Evaluated by (Print name): ____________________________  Signature: _______________________


Authors’ confirmation: “I have read this evaluation and


I agree/disagree.  Signed ________________________________________________________________


I agree/disagree.  Signed ________________________________________________________________


I agree/disagree.  Signed ________________________________________________________________


I agree/disagree.  Signed ________________________________________________________________