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Modules in Java

Recall our discussion of module systems: a module system's fundamental purpose is to isolate pieces of a system from each other, and provide well-defined interfaces through which the isolated pieces can interact.

In Java, the module system has two levels:

Declaring that a class belongs to a package...

...is as simple as using a package declaration at the top of a source file. When something is not labeled public, private, or protected, it has "package" visibility, and may not be accessed outside of its declared package.

    // FILE 1
    package whales.baleen;
    public class HumpbackWhale {
        public void spout() { ... }
        void dive() {              // Package-visible method
            StealthyWhale b = new StealthyWhale();
        void greet() { ... }       // Another package-visible method
    class StealthyWhale {          // A package-visible class
        void encounter(HumpbackWhale hw) {
            System.out.println("Stealthy whale encounters humpback");

    // FILE 2
    package whales;

    // "import" is analogous to ML's "open ModuleName" declaration.  It allows
    // you to refer to names in another package, without using the fully
    // qualified name.  You can also import classes one at a time.
    import whales.baleen.*;

    public class KillerWhale {
        // This method's signature is illegal, because StealthyWhale has
        // package visibility to whales.baleen.
        public void eat(StealthyWhale sw) { System.out.println("Drat! Foiled!"); }

        // This method's signature is legal, but its implementation...
        public void eat(HumpbackWhale hw) {
            // ... calls the package-visibility method greet(), which is illegal.
            System.out.println("Drat! Foiled again!");

Keunwoo Lee
Last modified: Wed May 23 22:20:52 PDT 2001