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CSE 341 : 10 May 2001

Class handouts: Smalltalk language

Page 1: Smalltalk intro; objects, variable bindings, messages, syntax.
Page 2: All about Smalltalk closures: declaring, evaluating, passing parameters, environments and side effects, control structures.
Page 3: Access control, and lack thereof; something that is not a message send; ugliness and the metaclass hierarchy (optional reading).
Page 4: More on metaclass ugliness (optional); a very brief note on prototype-based languages (optional); common Squeak key commands.

Slides and tutorial: Squeak environment

HTML lecture slides and other materials (including Acrobat and PowerPoint versions of slides).

(alternate version of lecture slides, needs JavaScript)

Note for instructors

This week's component was unusual in that the class handouts and slides are disjoint---they cover completely different topics. For what it's worth, we got through the first 2.5 pages of the handouts and the entire tutorial slides in one section (50 minutes).

Note for UW-CSE instructors

I (Keunwoo) still have printed transparencies of the Squeak environment lecture slides. If you want to borrow them rather than printing up a fresh set, stop by my office.

Keunwoo Lee
Last modified: Thu May 10 16:35:32 PDT 2001