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Final thoughts on FP (Why should I care?)

The influence of functional languages

In Programming Languages: Concepts and Constructs, Ravi Sethi quotes J.H. Morris, who gives the following description of the historical role of functional programming:

Functional programming as a minority discipline in the field of programming languages bears a certain resemblance to socialism in its relation to conventional, capitalist economic doctrine. Their proponents are often brilliant intellectuals perceived to be radical and rather unrealistic by the mainstream, but little-by-little changes are made in conventional languages and economies to incorporate features of the radical proposals.
-- Morris, "Real programming in functional languages"

Polymorphic static types, garbage collection, metaprogramming, and lexically scoped first-class functions all originated in the functional languages community. Today these features are all found in different widely used languages (from Python to C++ to the next major revision of Java). Understanding "academic" languages prepares you for learning future languages, and gives you a framework for more deeply understanding present languages.

Functional style

Functional style can be very powerful and useful even in non-functional languages. Many people believe that functional style leads to clearer, more concise, and more flexible programs. Elements of functional style:

Keunwoo Lee
Last modified: Wed May 2 19:09:11 PDT 2001