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You can send me anonymous feedback at any time from the following URL:


This form is also linked off the course web page.

Please feel free to let me know how I'm doing, whether you would like changes to the section format, etc. Possible things you might say:

I will do my best to act on any suggestions. Also, I have thick skin, so do not be afraid to criticize me. Obviously, this form is anonymous, so I cannot reply directly to things you send via this anonymous form. If you need a reply, send mail to me (or to me, Craig, and Nick).

More Unix/Emacs tips to fill up space

Go to the ACM Unix tutorial (signs are up everywhere in Sieg) if you can! In the meantime, here are a few more commands you may find useful:

cp filename1 filename2      # Copies a file to another file

rm filename                 # Deletes a file.  Dangerous: NO UNDO!

mv filename1 filename2      # Move or rename a file

mkdir dirname               # Create a directory (i.e., folder)

rmdir dirname               # Delete an empty directory

More Emacs keyboard shortcuts

C-x 2          ; Split current window in half
C-x 0          ; Delete current window (current buffer remains open)

C-x b bufname  ; Show buffer bufname in window
C-x C-b        ; List current buffers

C-s string     ; Incremental search in current buffer
C-j            ; Linefeed (In programming modes, same as ENTER + indent)

Keunwoo Lee
Last modified: Wed Apr 4 21:52:27 PDT 2001