X Window on CSE NT lab machines
Actually, the directions on using Reflection X from NT machines
in the lab are a little confusing, so here's directions to get
started quickly:
- Start up Reflection X.
- Choose "generic Linux xterm" from the menu on the left.
- Type in "tahiti.cs.washington.edu" (or ceylon, sumatra,
etc.) for the host.
- The system will do some prompting to get your password. You
may have to enter your password twice.
- An xterm window like the following should pop up:
Or, alternatively:
- Start up Reflection X and choose the "XCDMP to tahiti" (or
ceylon, sumatra, etc.).
- An xterm and clock should pop up. These are a little uglier
because the default XDCMP window manager is twm.
When the xterm pops up, that is a sign that your Windows
machine is running an X server that accepts connections
from the corresponding Unix host. The job of an X server is to
provide graphical services to client programs. The client
programs may be running on the same machine, or on a totally
different machine.
Keunwoo Lee
Last modified: Wed Mar 28 20:32:14 PST 2001