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X Window on CSE NT lab machines

Actually, the directions on using Reflection X from NT machines in the lab are a little confusing, so here's directions to get started quickly:

  1. Start up Reflection X.
  2. Choose "generic Linux xterm" from the menu on the left.
  3. Type in "tahiti.cs.washington.edu" (or ceylon, sumatra, etc.) for the host.
  4. The system will do some prompting to get your password. You may have to enter your password twice.
  5. An xterm window like the following should pop up:
[xterm on tahiti]

Or, alternatively:

  1. Start up Reflection X and choose the "XCDMP to tahiti" (or ceylon, sumatra, etc.).
  2. An xterm and clock should pop up. These are a little uglier because the default XDCMP window manager is twm.

When the xterm pops up, that is a sign that your Windows machine is running an X server that accepts connections from the corresponding Unix host. The job of an X server is to provide graphical services to client programs. The client programs may be running on the same machine, or on a totally different machine.

Keunwoo Lee
Last modified: Wed Mar 28 20:32:14 PST 2001