CSE 341: Programming Languages
Spring Quarter, 2001
Meeting Times
Lecture: MWF 12:30-1:20, EE1 125
Section A: Th 8:30-9:20, MUE 154
Section B: Th 9:30-10:20, MGH 234
On-Line Handouts
Course Policies
When doing homework assignments, you may form a team of two people to work
together. To be a team, you must work together on all aspects of the homework,
learning from each other; you cannot divide up the work and work separately.
Simply list two names on the homework that is turned in. A team is defined
for a single homework assignment; there is no obligation to remain a team
for future assignments, nor is there any problem with remaining a team
throughout the quarter. A person can be a member of different teams on
different homeworks.
Late days
Over the course of the quarter, you can use up to 4 late days. A
late day gives you an extra 24 hours to turn in a homework assignment,
no questions asked. You can use up to 2 late days for any single
assignment. After your late days are used up for a given assignment, or
for the whole quarter, then no credit will be given for late work, no questions
asked. So use your late days wisely; they are your cushion in case of unexpected
emergencies or other scheduling conflicts.
Language Resources and Technical Help
Mailing List and Threaded Archives
We will be using a mailing list for administrative and instructional purposes.
subscribe cse341
CSE 341 : Previous quarters